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Foods that kill

Published by in health ·
Tags: diabeteshighbloodpressureheartproblems
August 14, 2019, Foods that kill

It is no coincidence that diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems clump together.  

Sugar is pulled from the blood with insulin and pushed into insulin receptors in muscles. When there is animal fat floating in blood, the fat globs stick to the insulin receptors and clog them so insulin can not do its job and sugar will continue floating in the blood, causing diabetics.  

Now there are fat blobs and sticky sugar floating in your blood making the blood sticky and  syrupy. The heart was not equipped to pump this thick sludge. The heart pumps harder and faster striving to do it's job. Heart rate goes up and blood pressure goes up and sugar is floating in the blood instead of powering muscles  
Sugar, on a microscopic level, is like little sharp rocks. These little pointy rocks bounce off the fragile Teflon-like lining in your arteries and veins that is supposed to prevent fat goo from sticking. The sugar rocks knock pieces out of the Teflon-like lining in your arteries and veins. Now fat can stick to these nicks, building up plaque that can eventually clog arteries and veins.  

Now we have diabetes, high blood pressure, rapid heart rate and clogged arteries.  

If you want to better understand what is happening, take a glass of warm water and spoon in butter and sugar and stir well. Compare this sticky syrupy mess to a glass of plain water. Now do you understand why you heart is working so hard and why you are in danger of death?  

You caused the mess and you can clean it up. You will have to begin lowing your consumption of animal fat and sugar. It is that simple. Change or die prematurely. Yes, doctors can give you pills. Does that work? Sort of, but not really. And many drugs have multiple side effects ranging from annoying to deadly. The drugs are not 100%.  That are not even 50% and some are not even 10% effective.

The choice is yours. You can make changes and live a long, healthy life and enjoy your family and friends for years to come. Or you can continue indulging yourself like a spoiled little baby and become very unhealthy and die young. There are no other choices.  

Now some good news. As you change your diet you will adjust to the change in food and discover you will enjoy the taste of good for you food. Taste buds are flexible and adjustable. You will soon be able to indulge yourself with foods that are good for you that you will greatly enjoy. You can do it. Many have done it before you.  

 My husband refused to make changes. He believed it was his right to eat what he chose. He had a quadruple bypass and several mild strokes. Then he had a massive heart attack on Thanksgiving Day. Now he sits on a shelf in an urn waiting to be taken to the military cemetery. Our youngest grandsons do not remember him.  

The choice was his. And the choice is yoursl If you chose your food indulgences over your health, you have no right to complain when you end up in the hospital - or the morgue.

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