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Humans stopped evolving

Published by in sucess ·
Tags: humanevolution
April 6, 2020, Humans stopped evolving
We, as a species, are no longer evolving.  Evolving requires culling. We no longer allow culling. Culling is cruel. Occasionally someone takes it upon himself to cull. I say him because women have not had the power to cull. Hitler was probably the most enthusiastic human culler in our time. Trump is second in line. He is culling out the monetary challenged.

In the past, those who were lazy and unmotivated, or sometimes just unlucky and not very astute, were unable to provide for themselves and their off spring or provide protection. These starved or were killed by predators - animal or human. It was survival of the fittest and the fittest lived to procreate and the unfittest perished along with their heirs and DNA.

If we can not, and should not, cull, then we will have to up grade those that are less skilled.  Everyone has an ability or talent that can be useful if someone will take the time to look. Some of our greatest scientists and educators and leaders in various field came from the least advantaged environments and some of them have learning challenges such as dyslexia, ADHD and others, yet still excelled.

However, just plain stupid seems to be growing even in the most financially blessed environments. And, backed by lots of money, stupid can cause a lot of harm, as we are currently seeing in our still great country.

Our country is not the politicians that use America for their own greedy desires. Our country is the people, all the people from the bank president to the school janitor. Every person is a link in a human chain. When one link is broken, the chain is broken. We must protect all of our human links from rich predators.

People are real. Money is not. People have a brain and a heart. Money is an allusion of value. Humanity survived and even thrived for a million years without money. In the last few years we have hit the skids (build by money) and moving faster and faster. And it is because  of one thing – lack of responsibility.

Too many people do not take responsibility for their own life. They want daddy, or the government, to provide for them. And they want to be provided for as a prince or princess without contributing to the common good. They believe the common people are there to serve them. These leeches have no value or use. Sadly, too many people are trying to become leeches. It is time we stopped overindulging our young and taught them the value and joy of personal achievement through study and persistence.

Failures are foundation for sucess

Published by in sucess ·
Tags: failedattempts
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