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Robo phone calls

To stop unsolicited calls, register with the Federal Trade Commission do not call list at  If you receive unwanted calls after your number has been on the National Registry for 31 days, report it to the FTC at

After you register, other types of organizations may still call you, such as charities, political groups, debt collectors and surveys.

Go to to file a customer complaint, report identity theft, get your free credit report, register for do not call and get consumer alerts and a long list of helpful consumer information pamphlets including scams. There is so much information on this site that can help protect you. Check on the 'Don't bank on a cleared check' scam that thousands of people fall for each year.

Common cause of bad decisions

The seed that often grows into a disastrous decision is very quiet and hard to see. It is lack of information or wrong information.

How many times have you said, “If I had only known, I would have – worked harder to go to college, not marry Bill, not started smoking, blab, blab, blab.” My list of wrong decisions based on inadequate or wrong information is as long as War and Peace (English edition over 560,000 words and over 1,400 pages in paper back). And yet, information is free at the library, online and from people who had been there and done that.

This is such a glorious time. Information is almost oozing out of the wood work. When I was young, we had micro filch, tiny film the library had of all kinds of publications. There was a large projector that had a screen on which the film was projected. You had to scroll though a lot of film in order to find the info you needed. It was time consuming and hard on the eyes. And you had to write down any information you wanted to keep.

If you are making a vital decision, ask older, more experienced women, go to the library and ask for assistance in locating media on your subject and use the internet. The amount and depth of information available today at the library and on line is amazing and awesome. Ignorance is no longer an excuse.

With elections coming up, save America, research politicians. Most politicians are chest deep in bull sh*t. Too many of them are politicians because being a government official is the fastest, easiest, laziest, legal way to get rich, really rich. So much money is being passed under the table to bribe politicians all the way to the oval office that the table has to have ten foot legs. And politicians retire with amazing retirement packages for serving a minimum of four years. And ultimately it all comes out of our wallets.

Look it up, it's on the internet. Not researching a topic that is vital to you is just plan dumb and irresponsible when it is so easy to do. When you find information you do not like, do not dismiss it as 'fake news'. Check it out and even if it goes against what you want to believe, be realistic. Facts are facts even if you do not want to believe them. Remember, "Don't drink the koolaid.” If you do not know what this means, look it up. It's on the internet.

Note: The term 'fake news', that  Killer (nickname Donald's dad gave him as a child because he was such a ruthless bully) loves to use, dates back to when Fred Trump was feeding 'fake news' to the news media about what a great business man Donald was while it was really Fred making all those companies successful before quietly transferring them into Donald's name. You had to feel sorry for poor Fred.  He tried so hard to make his son a successful business man and even with dad's help, Donald had to claim bankruptcy six times.  It may soon be seven, the Tower is half empty, his other enterprises are under financial stress and his German bank, the only bank that will loan money to him is not happy with him because of the tax investigations. Of course with all the 'donations' from his starry eyed supporters, Donald could be on top again if he doen't end up in bankruptcy court.

Check out everone one running for an office that you can vote for. Do not be fooled by political advertising hype (fake news). Check out the facts and do not toss out the facts because they conflict with your 'beliefs'. The truth is the truth even when it is not what you want to hear. You not wanting to believe 'the truth' will change nothing, certainly it will not change the truth.

First deity

When I was very young, I was fascinated by the images of little statues of stone of what I was told was an ancient fertility goddess. I knew only of the male god. I thought it was cool that at one time women had a deity of their own.

The little statues have been found around Europe and parts of Asia and were made between 34,000 BCE (before common era, which is the same time as BC but without the religious connection) and 16,000 BCE. It was not until the late Neolithic period that two male deities appeared, Tiamat in Mesopotamia and Ra in Ancient Egypt. The little fertility goddess was the first, and longest lasting, deity.

A few current religions have gods and goddesses. Several religions have a single deity, a male deity. Christianity sort of has several gods - The Father, The son and The Holy Ghost but only one real God known as Jehovah or Yahweh.

In the beginning, as was explained to me by my history professor, there was only one deity, a fertility goddess and she was much honored as the creator of life. And women, as creators of human life, were thought to be magic and were honored, were the ruling sex, and were well treated. It was a peaceful time.

Then it was noticed that women could only have children after a short visit from a male. And that changed everything. Men reasoned that they were the real creators of life. They planted a seed in a woman and she was the soil in which his seed grew. The peaceful fertility goddess was replaced with male warrior gods. Then women went from cherished creators of life to a pot of dirt. This belief existed until the 1600's and was the reason for women being without power or importance.

All too often women are still being treated like a pot of dirt, despite the discovery that women were the first sex, existing a long, long, time before men evolved from women, but not from a rib.

My history professor said the discovery that women could not create life without men was the down fall of humanity. Goddesses are caring and nurturing. Gods like to boss and kill people.

It is time to inject a bit of estrogen into the testosterone flooding our world. It is time to acknowledge that female was and is the first sex and females are the creators of life, albeit, with the assistance of males. But one lone man can service a huge village of women.  Do we really need so many men?  Just kidding.  I have a son, a son-in-law and four delightful grandsons and I must confess I have a soft spot for our late arriving companions. And, yes, I think we do need them.  But we need to teach them to be more observent and more empathic.

All you ever wanted to know (or not know) about breast

Females of most species have had breast for a very long time, some even have more than two.  Men have nipples, proof that they were females the first month of life, but they rarely have true breast.  

Breast have a strange fascination for humans.  They have been concealed, pushed up so high they almost fall out of their clothing, mashed flat, reduced and enlarged.  And men are obsessed with those blobs of fat. Ever wonder why?

In the beginning, females (males had not been created yet) procreated by mitosis, cell division. It is a process that produces copies of the mother. Sometimes DNA becomes damaged and is passed on damaged.  Or the environment changes but the daughters can not change in order to survive in the new environment.  

Some females evolved into males, making them able to inject a new mixture of DNA into the offspring. These new males were biologically programmed though survival of the fittest to spread their DNA often and as effectively as possible by choosing the most fertile females.  How do they choose the most fertile females?

Young virgins have small, untested breast.  Woman who have had babies have larger breast, the more babies, the larger the breast.  Thus, a woman with larger breast is most likely to have been proven very fertile, thus a more desirable mate. When a man sees a large breasted, obviously fertile female, his hormones go into overdrive.  When a woman has breast enlargement, she is, without realizing it, saying, “I am a mature, fertile female, have a baby with me.” to every man's hormones.

When I was pregnant the first time, I was huge and I hated it.  They were in the way and they were heavy.  My upper arm would hit one and milk would squirt everywhere. And they leaked for years.

Some women believe they would be happier with breast enlargements. But that can be dangerous and painful.  My friend had breast enlargement when silicon was used.  One leaked and she had them removed.  Now her body is riddled with silicon and if she does not take drugs, her whole body hurts.

Any time someone has a surgical procedures, no matter how large or small, danger is involved.  There is the possibilities of deadly infections or reactions to drugs and other dangers. x

If you want breast enhancement, I strongly suggest you try it first.  Fill two balloons with water to the size of breast you want and strap them to your chest for twenty four hours. They are heavy. They get in the way. And they will sag and continue to sag more and more and more until you have a lap full of boob.  And did I mention they are heavy.  Well, it is worth mentioning again.

Would you really trust a man that is attracted to you because his hormones believe you have babies and are fertile?  Wouldn't you rather he be attracted to you because of who you are.  You are an amazing person.  If he can not recognize that, then he is not good enough for you.

Anyway, men that marry for big boobs abandon those boobs when the cleave turns to a giant wrinkle and the breasts puddle in the woman's lap. And I would like to mention again, they are very heavy.  

I can not help feeling excessive breast enhancement just for sex appeal is degrading for a woman.  Since the beginning, women have been used as sex toys. We should not encourage or accept that any more. Women have incredible minds and are more competent leaders and diplomats than most men according to recent research and should be appreciated for their bright minds and good hearts, not their mammary glands, fake or otherwise.

Sometimes adjustments or repairs need to be done to breast and I am thankful that we have that technology. But, when you get unnecessary breast augmentation, you are announcing to the world that you believe yourself unworthy as you are.  You are capable of so much with your magnificent brain and spirit.

But, if you need that augmentation, check out the safety issues and do what you need to do. Everyone needs a little boost at some point in their life. You are awsome, no matter the size of your breast.

Wrong beliefs that destroy your happy

There are three common beliefs that are not even close to correct.

1. Find passion (hot sex) and you have found your soul mate and will be happy ever after.

2. Get lots of money and you will be able to buy anything you want and will be happy ever after.

3. Have a child, or several, and you will be fulfilled and be happy ever after.

Number one is just wrong. You do not have to love or like the person you are passionate about. Passion is simple hormones. Hormones weaken with time and fade away. True love starts as friendship and grows into love. Love is comfortable and secure and reliable and gets stronger with time.

Number two is a huge lie. Money does not buy happiness. The novelty of having money only lasts about four years and then life returns to the same setting as it was before the money. Then we need another shot of money. Money is like drugs, more and more and more is needed for satisfaction over time. That is why the wealthy demand more and more money.

Number three is the most wonderful, scariest, stressful thing you could possibly do and it will follow you to your grave. Children are incredibly precious and your life will never again be your own. From the moment you know there is a tiny life growing, your whole being will be dedicated twenty-four-seven to the  protection and nurturing of the little one even when that little one becomes taller than you and grows white hair. And you would do it all over again because you will not know that kind of love, joy, fear and willingness to sacrifice all for that one person (or several persons if you have more than one child). And when you have grandchildren, they will be included in that circle of love, sacrifice, joy and fear.

There is no happy ever after. Even in the happiest lives, there is trouble, stress and sadness. Bad times help us appreciate and enjoy the good times even more. Sunshine is sweetest after a freezing rain. True love is still strong when wrinkles, white hair (or no hair), and sags make you wonder what happened to your young self. While there is no happy ever after, there is a lot of happy between sad times and all of this is your life and you would trade it for no other life.

If you have been generously blessed by Mother Nature, do not attach your worth and self value to what Mama gave you.  Big boobs are not the only thing she gave you.  Become the wonder woman you were born to be, not because of the size of your breast, but in spite of the size of your breast

Hug your loved ones, tell them you love them and enjoy the life you have while you have it.

Car doors locked, keys on passenger seat

Several months ago, on an over cast day, my daughter and I headed out to the next county for a little shopping, We got out of the car, I grabbed my purse, pressed the car door lock and shut my door just as I noticed my car keys and fob laying on the car seat. My spare key was safely tucked in a magnetic box hidden way under the car - directly above a puddle  

Continuing my run of annoying bad luck, several days later I shorted out my fob with too much hand sanitizer. I called the dealership and they wanted $204.97 plus tax for a fob and programming for the one fob.

I went on the internet and ordered a pair of fobs for $25 (since then I have seen my fob at Walmart for $5) . I took the fobs to the local key shop and had both programed for $50.  The Key Shop chain were started by a woman while she was raising four young children. Amanda, the lady that helped me, was the grown up daughter of the woman that started the shops.

I told Amanda about crawling through the puddle to get my spare key. She suggested that I have a $3 non-programmable key made and hide it in an easy to access spot under my car. The non-programmable key will not start the car. It will only open the driver's door. I could then hide the programmable key inside the car.

But the best part of the new key-fob experience was the amazing thing Amanda then told me. She said I could use my cell phone to call whomever had a fob to my car. Then hold my cell phone to the door while the person with the other fob activated her fob by her phone.  Later, my daughter and I tried it. It worked!!! The lock popped up instantly. Who knew a fob could talk to a car with a cell phone.  

I had Amanda make an extra programmable key for the extra fob and gave the key and fob to my daughter. We used this fob to transmit the signal with cell phones to my locked car for the test.

I was a little concerned that someone could stand near me when I used my fob in a parking lot and record my signal to use it later to unlock my car. I tried it. The signal does not record. Later I learned the fob emits a radio signal, not sound.

When I had Onstar, on more than one occasion I called them to unlock my car. Are you seeing a pattern here with me and keys on the seat of a locked car? It is because I do not like the sound the car makes when I lock it with the fob, It hurts my ears. So I flip the lock switch on the door then shut the door and on occasion my keys are still inside the car.  

Before you forget, have a new key made to hide inside your car and a non-programmable key to hide outside in an easy to reach place (hopefully, not over a puddle). If you do not have a key shop near you, try Walmart's automotive department or any auto parts store.

If you lose your key or leave it in the car, a little planning could save you time, money and aggravation. Recently, my son waited hours for a lock smith when he locked his keys in his truck. Not only did it cost him a lot more than the price of a spare key and a non-programmable key, he was late to work.

This is one of those occasions where learning from the mistakes of others is so much easier than learning from your own mistakes.

PS: get your spare key problem fixed today. Do not wait.

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