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We can stop Coronavirus

I found this on my Facebook page. "God helps those that help themselves. I have heard that all my life. It is time we stopped talking and act. We need to stop the spread because we have no cure or vaccine. It is fine to ask God or Trump for help, but this is our battle. To stop the spread we have to sanitize and isolate. We have to work togethe to, protect our families and help each other. The battle line stops with each of us. We can do it. We have the power.

"Zoo rearranges hours to limit exposure.

The zoo in Jacksonville, Florida is closed to the public, but the animals still require care. Now employees work three 12 hours days and one four hour day for a total of 40 hours. Working four days cuts their exposes by twenty percent and distancing cuts it by more. Because there are half as many people at the zoo at any one time, it will also cut now on virus exposure. The best part is they have three days off and one day they only work four hours. That allows more time off to spend with family and to finally have time to do all those projects they have always wanted to do. If these hours are used in factories it will allow the factory to operate on twelver hour days and give the workers more time to spend with family.

Where some diseases originate

Hundreds died in England from mad cow disease. Mad cow disease was caused by feeding beef food made from diseased cow body parts. Yes, I know. Cattle are vegetarians and do not normally eat flesh, especially the flesh of their family and friends.

The CDC estimates 12,000 Americans died from swine flu, which we got from pigs.

Tuberculosis comes from goats. It is believed that measles and small pox comes from cattle. Pigs gave us whopping cough. From chickens we got typhoid fever. Influenza came from ducks, leprosy from water Buffalo, colds from horses and HIV from monkeys.

Eating animal flesh can be deadly in more ways than one. Animal flesh is the major cause of heart disease. Our love of meat is killing us.

High blood pressure can be controlled

Anything that causes your blood to thicken or increase in volume will make your blood pressure go up. Thick blood is harder to pump. Too much blood is harder to pump

When you are dehydrated in the morning because your kidneys have removed liquid from your blood during sleep and you have not replaced the liquids, your thicker blood is harder to pump and your blood pressure goes up.

When you put goo in your blood stream, it will be harder to pump. Animal fat is goo. Plant fat does not gum up the works but makes blood easier to pump.

Sugar and blood make hard to pump syrup, and your blood pressure will go up..

Salt will make your body try to dilute the salt by putting more liquid in your blood stream creating more volume and more pressure.

Lack of exercise will allow your muscles, arteries and veins to stiffen and be inflexible, creating more blood pressure.

Your unhappy thoughts will make your muscles tense, constricting your veins and arteries, making your blood pressure go up.

There are also a number of medical issues and medications that will make your blood pressure go up.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous? Veins and arteries blow out at weak spots when under too much pressure. That causes strokes. Strokes can range from little ones that you do not even know have happened to a major stroke that kills. Protect your veins and arteries and treat them as if you life depends on them – which, by the way, it does.

Drink lots of good water, even during the night. Soda pop and coffee do not count. Exercise at least thirty minutes a day. Weight lifting counts if you really do not want to do actual exercise. Move and stretch your muscles to make them pliable. Cut the fat off your meat and soak up the fat with paper towels after it is cooked. Better yet, go with a plant based diet. Limit processed sugar  intake. Substitute fruit. Fruit sugar is OK, in fact, fruit is really, really good for you.

Stop thinking depressing thoughts. If you are not actively working on a solution to a problem, there is no need to think those depressing, scary thoughts. Spending more time with pets, friends and family produces endorphins that make you happy and lower your blood pressure.

You do not have to do it all at once. Choose one change and master it. When it becomes an automatic part of your life and you do it without thinking, then go to another change.  Even if you do not do all of it, any improvement will make you live longer and be in better health. You rock, woman. Take charge of your life. Be healthy so you can appreciate for a long time how totally awesome you really are.

Why can animals eat lots of fat, but humans can not???

Animals eat lots of animal fat and it does them no harm. Perhaps that is why people believe animal fat does not harm humans as humans are descended from animals.

The difference is, animals do not eat sugar. If they did, they would be insulin resistant, have high blood pressure and heart problems. (DO NOT FEED YOUR ANIMALS SUGAR!!! They will get fat and die.)

Not only is fat coursing through our veins making our blood thick and hard to pump, fat is sticking to the insides of our veins and building up, causing blockages. And that is a problem animals do not have. And why do you think that is?

It is because in human veins animal fat is coursing around with sugar. Sugar is a hard, sharp rock-like material and it is bouncing around inside your fragile veins and arteries that are lined with a delicate, thin layer of Teflon-like material that keeps fat from sticking. Sugar gouges and tears that single molecule thick lining. The more sugar, the more damaged places fat can find to stick to and build up, causing blockages.

Also, fat clogs insulin receptors so insulin can not push sugar into the muscles. Sugar just keeps bouncing around, tearing up your arteries and veins protective lining. Your muscles are starving for energy and you are very tired and lethargic so you eat more sugar for energy.

Animals do not eat sugar so do not have damaged arteries and veins and insulin resistance. And they can eat all the fat they wish. Humans can eat fat if they do not eat sugar of any kind.  Of course they will need to exercise to burn up the extra fat or it will accumulate on the tummy and on the hips.

At least one has to go – yummy fat or delicious sugar. Otherwise you will be dealing with terrible health. But there is good/bad news. You will not have to deal with terrible health very long – you will die soon.

What!!! You are shocked and surprised? Did you really think you would live a long time in the shape you are in? Get real! Cut down on fat and sugar and exercise. Also, eat more fruits, berries and veggies, especially greens and beans. And do it before your brain becomes damaged. There is a seventy percent chance all that damage you have done to your body can be reversed and even eliminated with diet change and exercise.

And do not feed cookies and candy to your dogs or cats or children.

     Traditional Greeting spreads germs

Shaking hands is an ancient greeting created to keep strangers safe when they meet. When strangers met, they would clasp each others right hand, the one commonly used to hold a weapon. Women did not shake hands because they did not usually carry weapons.

When knights meet, they lifted their visor to show their face. This is how the warriors salute originated.

In this day of diseases racing around the world, shaking hands can be very dangerous. Maybe we should salute instead.

In Asian countries, two people meeting would put their palms together and bow. That, I think, is very elegant. I propose we replace hand shaking (and germ spreading) with palms together and bowing. Or, we could just touch elbows or nod our head.

If you shake hands, make sure you have hand sanitizer.


In a stressful situation, the brain sends a message to the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and norepinephrine, which immediately causes your heart to pound, your muscles to tense, you breath faster, may start to sweat and your attention is sharper.

The adrenal glands also releases norepinephrine, which makes you more aware, awake, focused and more responsive. It channels blood from where it is not needed to where it is needed, like the muscles.

Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, is also produced by the adrenal glands. It takes a little longer to kick in, minutes rather than seconds. Cortisol helps maintain fluid balance and blood pressure and other ordinary functions that are not crucial during stress.

If you are under stress, you body continuously releases Cortisol which can suppress the immune system, increase blood pressure and sugar, decrease libido, produce acne, cause you to gain weight and more. These are not the only stress hormones, but are the main ones. When the reason for your stress is gone, it can take half an hour to days to return to your normal state.

Doctors love to give you all kinds of drugs for stress, drugs that can have unpleasant side effects and become habit forming. Stress is a natural response and it can be handled naturally without drugs.

To handle stress, you need to burn off the hormones with exercise, brisk walking will do it. You also need to calm your mind. Meditation is excellent. Also, focusing on a task like drawing, writing, tidying your closet, playing a musical instrument or listening to a good audio book will calm and occupy your mind.  Burn off the hormones and occupy your mind and the stress will melt away.

Stress is a survival tool. Stress ramps up the body for flight or fight and provides a surge of energy. But in our sedate lives we do not usually need to run or fight. If we do not use that surge of energy, it will fight to get out and make the day unpleasant. Move your body and use up those hormones. Exercise is always good for the body and good for the brain so take advantage of stress and use it to reap the benefits of exercise.

Save your life, donate blood

Research has shown that everyone carries a heavy load of pesticides and heavy metals in their blood from the food they eat and the environment. Men have a destructive amount of iron in their blood which is the real reason men have a shorter life span than women. Iron in excess is as deadly as salt, sugar and fat.

Women that have children have less pesticides and heavy metals with the birth of each child and each child starts life with its own pesticides and heavy metals inherited from mom. Each successive child has less as mom's supply is depleted with each birth. Breast feeding transfers more pesticides and heavy metals to offspring. Even with this unfortunate transfer, it is still more beneficial to the child to be breast fed. Women also lose poisons, heavy metals and iron in every monthly cycle. And that is how women can live longer than men.

The fix is simple. Donate blood. Donating blood bleeds (forgive the unintentional pun) off pesticides and heavy metals along with cholesterol, sugar and iron. Donating blood is a win for all involved.

I have a friend in his eighties. He has been donating blood since he was young. He has a very rare blood type and that motivates him to donate blood as often as possible. My friend is as healthy as a much younger man with no medical problems despite eating anything he wants. He actually looks like a much younger man.

Donate blood on a regular basis and help yourself stay healthy and off pharmaceuticals. Start your children donating blood as soon as they are old enough.  If you are on certain drugs or natural supplements, you may not be able to donate blood.

How to make belly fat disappear.

Several months ago my weight was about 106. You would think at that weight I would have a flat tummy.  Not so. I have tried exercising, but it did not help.

I have been a vegetarian for over twenty years. I ate dairy because animals are not killed for milk. Several months ago, I went totally plant based. I gave up milk, cheese and butter because my blood pressure was a little high and animal fat is one of the major causes. Think about it, if you are pumping blood, it is like pumping water, very easy. But add lard to the mix and you are pumping gooey sludge. It is harder to pump. It requires more pressure,  

Since giving up dairy, my blood pressure has dropped nicely despite putting on six pounds. Although I am gaining weight, my belly fat has mysteriously melted away. Now my pants keep falling down. I have to wear a belt or buy new pants.

When I went plant based a few months ago, I also increased my food intake to put on weight. I need to plump out the wrinkles and I also want to build some muscles. I have put on six pounds and still gaining, hoping for 120. My belly is still flat and I am amazed.

I had been a little concerned because of my belly fat, which is an indicator of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance happens when fat clogs insulin receptors and insulin can not transfer sugar from blood to muscle. Sugar remains in the blood, turning blood into syrup, making it harder to pump. My blood sugar was a little high, but after giving up dairy, it is very low.   

If your blood pressure is going up and you are becoming insulin resistant, cut the fat off your meat and drain your cooked meat on paper towels to absorb the cooked out fat. This will limit the sludge in your blood and help keep the insulin receptors clear so sugar can go into your muscles. You really do not want sugar trapped in your blood and bouncing around in your veins. Sugar has sharp edges and damages the Teflon-like lining in your veins and arteries. Cholesterol can stick to the damaged surfaces, causing plaque build up and blockages.

If you are not going to give up or limit meat, at least cut out as much fat as you can. Every tiny improvement in your life style extends your life and the quality of your life. You have the power to improve your health and live longer. Take advantage of it.

Why can animals eat lots of fat, but humans can not???

Animals eat lots of animal fat and it does them no harm. Perhaps that is why people believe animal fat does not harm humans as humans are descended from animals.

The difference is, animals do not eat sugar. If they did, they would be insulin resistant, have high blood pressure and heart problems. (DO NOT FEED YOUR ANIMALS SUGAR!!! They will get fat and die.)

Not only is fat coursing through our veins making our blood thick and hard to pump, fat is sticking to the insides of our veins and building up, causing blockages. And that is a problem animals do not have. And why do you think that is?

It is because in human veins animal fat is coursing around with sugar. Sugar is a hard, sharp rock-like material and it is bouncing around inside your fragile veins and arteries that are lined with a delicate, thin layer of Teflon-like material that keeps fat from sticking. Sugar gouges and tears that single molecule thick lining. The more sugar, the more damaged places fat can find to stick to and build up, causing blockages.

Also, fat clogs insulin receptors so insulin can not push sugar into the muscles. Sugar just keeps bouncing around, tearing up your arteries and veins protective lining. Your muscles are starving for energy and you are very tired and lethargic so you eat more sugar for energy.

Animals do not eat sugar so do not have damaged arteries and veins and insulin resistance. And they can eat all the fat they wish. Humans can eat fat if they do not eat sugar of any kind.  Of course they will need to exercise to burn up the extra fat or it will accumulate on the tummy and on the hips.

At least one has to go – yummy fat or delicious sugar. Otherwise you will be dealing with terrible health. But there is good/bad news. You will not have to deal with terrible health very long – you will die soon.

What!!! You are shocked and surprised? Did you really think you would live a long time in the shape you are in? Get real! Cut down on fat and sugar and exercise. Also, eat more fruits, berries and veggies, especially greens and beans. And do it before your brain becomes damaged. There is a seventy percent chance all that damage you have done to your body can be reversed and even eliminated with diet change and exercise.

And do not feed cookies and candy to your dogs or cats or children.


Yesterday, I wrote about Rachael Carson having cancer surgery. The doctor did not remove all of the cancer but told Rachael she was fine. She did not know she still had cancer and needed treatment and she died. The male doctors at the time thought females were too weak and fragile to handle serious matters so would not discuss them with women.

My doctor never told me I was terminal and since my husband was on oxygen and too weak to walk, the doctor told no one that I was expected to die soon.

I did not like this doctor, did not trust in his skill level and hoped that at some point he would go away and I would get a different doctor, a better doctor. I did not know he was assigned to me by the hospital and would remain my doctor.

My other doctor, head of oncology, who successfully treated me for uterine cancer several months earlier, found my records and took over my treatment. He literally saved my life by doing emergency surgery to repair a block digestive tract caused by scar tissue from my successful cancer surgery.

My weight had dropped from 126 to 88 and I was very weak. My heart was failing after surgery and to save my life, my doctor put me in a coma for a week.

Sadly, my husband died the following year. He had asbestosis and had been terminal for some time but I was not told.

This was two doctors that did not tell me serious news, maybe because I am a female - or maybe they just did not want to tell anyone horrible news.

Fry Cook Lung

If you fry a lot, please, please, please make sure you have a very good exhaust system above your stove. You do not want to breath that delicious frying grease.

My wonderful, kind, sweet aunt fried a lot of food for her husband and seven kids. They were all healthy and strong. They had the freshest foods because they were farmers. But there was no exhaust system in her kitchen. She got what the doctors called fry cook lung. She could no long breath well enough to live a normal life. She was confined to a bed. And it could have been prevented.

Almost all medical problems can be prevented. It is a choice. Your choice.

Bye, Bye, Bacon

In the last 13 months, African swine fever has killed half of the China's swine, over 300 million pigs, and has spread to more  than 50 countries. Asfarviridae affects only pigs and no other animal. There is no vaccine or cure.

The virus is most likely on the feed. Americans can not produce enough feed and must buy from China. American pig farmers are now required to boil all pig food for 30 minutes.

Infected pigs stop eating, stop moving and have a high fever. Day five pigs bleed throughout the body and in the organs. By the second week, 85 to 95 percent of the pigs have died. No other animal can catch it because only pigs have the receptors for the disease.

Our Agriculture Department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service prepared for the epidemic by drilling fourteen states practicing for a possible outbreak of the virus in Mississippi.

Bad Peanuts

Milk is the most common allergen, with eggs next. But it is peanuts that gets the press because they are so deadly as an allergen. Peanuts are quite nutritious but not really good for you even if you are not allergic to them. They contain things that are very bad for you, including aflatoxins that in some studies are linked to liver cancer, stunted growth in children and mental retardation

Peanuts grow underground where they are contaminated with a common mold called Aspergillus. This mold is highly carcinogenic. Processing into peanut butter may reduce aflatoxins by 89%.  It is unknown what happens to humans in the long run when exposed to Aspergillus and other afatoxins.

The USDA supposedly monitors the amounts of aflatoxins in foods and attempts to make sure the recommended limits are not exceeded. When the levels of afatoxins in peanuts and peanut products exceed the recommended levels, the peanuts are packed up and sold to poor countries as a food source.

Rescue your body

How many of you would tolerate, for any length of time, a dishwasher that did not rinse dishes, a car with a broken air conditioner or a house with a leaky roof? You want your stuff to work right. But often ignore your best stuff when it is broken. The organic machine your spirit and mind lives in is often malfunctioning in multiple ways and you ignore it.

When this machine, your body, seriously malfunctions, you are in bad trouble - or dead. Why not put your body on the same important repair list as you do your replaceable 'stuff'.

If you have a health issues, and too many people do, research it. What caused it? What will fix it? How do you make yourself do what you do not want to do to correct it?

If your body is broken, the cause, seventy to eighty percent of the time, is an unhealthy life style. Twenty to thirty percent of health issues do not respond to a healthy life style and require surgery or drugs. The rest can be cured, yes - cured, with life style changes. There are literary thousands of studies that prove this. The doctors do not know it because live style is not included in their education, only drugs and surgery. Why should they care about life style when only drugs and surgery earn them money, lots of money.

So, you do not want to change your life style even if it is to fix your body. I have two things to say to you. One - do not be a baby. Two - you can convince yourself that you do want to change your life style the same way you convinced yourself that you want to keep your life style even if it kills you.

Instead of saying, "I want another cigarette, I need another cigarette, I deserve another cigarette (substitute soda, meat, sugar, acholol, etc.) say to yourself, even if it is a lie, "I will not smoke another cigarette. The cigarette company does not care that it is killing me as long as the owners continue getting stinky rich as I am dying." Then say, "I deserve and want a long, healthy life without cancer or COPD and I am strong and determine and I can, and will, do it."

Your subconscious does not know when you are lying and believes everything you say. When you think cigarette, think lung cancer, mouth cancer or your family members getting cancer from second hand smoke. Or your family burying you.

You maintain a bad habit because you tell yourself you need it, you want it, you deserve it and anyway, you can not quit. That teaches your subconscious, which controls more of our life and decisions than you are aware of, to take over and see that you get all the cigarettes, or sugar or acholol, etc, that you want. By simply changing your self talk, you can change your automatic response to harmful habits to beneficial responses. Yes, it is that simple. But it is not easy. It requires persistence. And, yes, it does work.

You have total control of what you think if you will just take charge. Like anything new, it is hard to remember to do it at first, but quickly becomes easier with practice.

I love salt, salted potato chips, salted saltines, licking plain salt from the palm of my hand. I threw away my salt shakers and use spices and onions. By the end of three weeks, my taste buds became more sensitive to salt and the tiny bit of salt naturally in my foods became perfect. Now I can not eat salted potato chips and salted saltines and other heavily salted foods.

Our early ancestors did not have salt. They did not use salt until later when they discovered salt preserved meat. They ate plant foods in the warm months and salted down meat for the winter. And that is when the love of salt began. Salt is not needed in food. We naturally get the meager amount we do need in unsalted food. Using the salt shakers is an acquired bad habit like smoking. And, like smoking, it is a habit you can change if you will continue feeding your subconscious the right information.

Any food changes you make will become not just tolerable, but desirable and delicious, with time.

Three thoughts to take away from this:
1. You can change your life by changing what you say to your subconscious and repeating the changes often.
2. You can change your taste buds by eating the new food repeatedly and often.
3. You can change almost anything in your life by what you say to your subconscious and repeat often.

Persistence is the key.  Ignore failures, step over them and keep on going. You can make amazing changes in yourself and your life if you will persist.

Interesting food beliefs

A man in my circle of friends is over weight, smokes, drinks alcohol, lives on fast foods, mostly hamburgers and fries and soda, and refuses to eat anything that is made form the grass family, unless it is a hamburger bun or donut. He believes, because wheat and other grains are eaten by animals, they are not suitable for people. He repeatedly tells me not to eat grass food products because they are really bad for me.

This man has very high blood pressure, serious issues with cholesterol and is insulin resistant. He looks as if he is imminently expecting twins, or triplets. And he has had cancer.

He limits grain in his diet because he thinks it is really bad for people. And yet, animals, living on grass and grain, do not have cholesterol problems, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

I would like to comment on this situation, but I am too flabbergasted to think of something to say, and I am almost never at a loss of words.

Meat from animals will become obsolete

Meats, mainly chicken and cows, are mucking up our environment and more urgently, mucking up our bodies. Meat is a dying food resources. It will not, in its present form, last much longer. Over consumption is killing too many people way before their time not to mention the pathogens that are killing the young as well as the old.

Meat is more of an emotional thing than a nutritional thing. Nutritionally, eating dirt off the floor is healthier. There are many ways meat kills, too many calories, too much fat, too much iron (mostly for men), cancer, high blood pressures, heart disease but the pathogens and contaminants are the sneakiest.

People who eat plant based products grow up slower but taller and a lot leaner than meat eaters and live two years longer.  The girls go through puberty at a later date than meat eaters. Children born to women that eat plant based foods have an IQ four points higher than meat eaters, the pregnancies have fewer complications and multiple births carry longer.

My plant based diet daughter carried her twin boys 39 weeks and three days and they were six and a half pounds each.  Not bad for a hundred and ten pound (day after birth) thirty six year old woman. And the twins are gifted, but that they got from their mom, not the plants. Maybe a little from the plants.

Meat will become obsolete. It is getting more contaminated by pathogens and chemicals. Raising meat animals causes a lot of environmental problems that we can not clean up. And meat is just plain bad for you even when the meat is safe. But you can get in on the ground floor of genetically grown meat. Eventually, everyone can eat the meat of their choice without contaminating the environment or killing themselves. Search the net for these labs and provide a nice future for your family, healthy and rich.

This could actually make your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren very wealthy. But you have to take action now Buy stock in as many meat cloning research companies as you can find. Most will fail but a few will learn to grow meat of any kind that is safe to eat and actually good for you. And these few companies will grow so fast and so large that even a few shares of stock will be worth a bunch. If you act now you will be getting in not on the ground floor but on the basement floor.

One thing I have not mentioned, but it is very important to me. If animals are no longer eaten, they will no longer be mistreated and killed. The over breeding will stop and we will discover all most all animals make good companion animals.

Hair dryer cures stubborn infections

Recently, I used my handy little hair dryer to cure my inflamed ear lobs. I had not worn earrings for a really long time and my pierced ears had begun to close up. I forced the cute turtle earrings my grandsons got for me at a state park gift shop into the very tight holes. The posts are stainless steel and I should not have used them as the instruments to open my ear holes. But I did not have a pair of sterling silver that I wanted to wear. Sterling silver is antibacterial and helps ears to heal.

My ear lobes became very red and swollen. I thought they would heal if left alone. I was wrong. I was forced to remove the adorable enameled, and very heavy, turtles, and carefully insert earrings with silver wires. My ears improved, but they hurt a lot, especially when I rolled over on one in bed. Then I remembered what I had done in the past - use the hair dryer. Heat is the quickest and best way to kill microbes. That is why our bodies produces a fever. It also relieves pain.

I have used the hair dryer in the past to hasten the healing of sore throats and scratches. Of course, with the sore throat I also wrap a long scarf around my head and neck and dress warmly to maintain body heat and I only drink hot beverages. It works really fast.

Yesterday my lobes were very painful to touch. Today the left one is about 95% healed and the right one is about 80% healed. I can pinch both and they barely hurt. By tomorrow, if I keep up the hair dryer, they will both be totally healed.

I know so many people that drink cold drinks to sooth a sore throat. I tell them to drink hot beverages instead and wrap their throat but they do not believe me. And yet they believe a fever kills germs. Actually, I think some of them do not know that the purpose of a fever is to kill germs. And yet heat does kills. Get a person hot enough and he will die. It is called heat stroke.

The great thing about heat is it is not a drug with side effect and you have total control over it. You do not have to get the injury painfully or even uncomfortably hot, just a few degrees above normal skin temperature, about like being in the summer sun.

I use a tiny travel hair dryer my son and his wife gave me one Christmas. It is awesome. Get one. You do not need that industrial model.

One more thing on sore throats, get some of those chewable vitamin C's and suck on one. Vitamin C kills germs, so does acid, vitamin C is a mild acid. Do this sparingly, even mild acids disolve tooth enamel. Put an egg in a glass and cover the egg with vinegar or pickle juice. After a day or two, you can take that egg out and boil it. Handle it carefully, it will not have a shell, only the membrane.

Heat and vitamin C works better, in most cases, than antibiotics. Antobiotics kill the microbes in your degestive tract that digest your food for you and they take a really long time to return. Too often they are dead for good.

Slave runners are responsible for peanut allergies in America.

Peanuts are not native to America. Peanuts are native to Africa. When slave traffickers brought native Africans to America, some of the slaves were carrying peanuts as a snack. Some of the peanuts were planted and eventually peanuts became a staple crop in the south.

During the war between the states, southern soldiers carried peanuts because they were protein that was easy to carry and did not spoil. Yankee soldiers learned about peanuts from southern captives or when they were captives of the southern soldiers. So, peanuts spread across the country.

Peanuts are probably the most common severe allergy, but there are a lot of people that are allergic to foods like milk and milk is in a lot of products and often over looked. Recently, a little girl was happy to get a special tooth paste because she was having problems with cavities. Sadly, no one thought to check the ingredients list on toothpaste for milk.

A deadly reaction can be caused by a bit of milk, or peanut or other allergents smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. If you are around anyone with an allergy, please do not forget and be careless.

Everything that enters my grandsons' home is wiped down for allergens and germs. Inaddition to allergies, they have a problem fighting infections, and several other autoimunine issues. Every new container, even if they have been eating the same food for years, is read aloud by a parent while one of the boys listens. It is not uncommon for a product to suddenly add a new ingredient that the boys are allergic to. Every product they use has to be vetted with the manufacturer for contamination such as the same equipment used for the product the boys are using and other products that the boys are allergic to. Having an allergic person in the household is stressful and time consuming. And many families are going through the same routine.

If you have friends or family that have to deal with allergies, be patient and be supportive. It will be appreciated more than you know.

In the U.S., 32 million people are estimated to have food allergies, including 5.6 million children. There are 329 million people in the US. That means that if there are ten people in your house, one would statistically be allergic to something.

The origin of sugar addiction

Guess who gifted us with sugar? Napoleon Bonaparte. He is responsible for your sugar addition.

During Napoleon's time, sugar was found in a doctor's bag, not in the kitchen. Sugar was used to give sick people energy. And it was very expensive.

Napoleon reasoned that if sugar gave ill people energy, it would energize soldiers going into battle. He purchased land and slaves and raised sugar cane. The slaves processed the cane into the sugar we all know and love. Just before going into battle, the soldiers juiced up on sugar and rushed into battle on a sugar high.

But sugar is habit forming. After the soldiers went home, they still craved sugar. Thus a sugar market was created. It was not long before everyone wanted sugar all the time. So if you have diabetes, you can thank Napoleon for your problem.

Foods that kill

It is no coincidence that diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems clump together.  

Sugar is pulled from the blood with insulin and pushed into insulin receptors in muscles. When there is animal fat floating in blood, the fat globs stick to the insulin receptors and clog them so insulin can not do its job and sugar will continue floating in the blood, causing diabetics.  

Now there are fat blobs and sticky sugar floating in your blood making the blood sticky and  syrupy. The heart was not equipped to pump this thick sludge. The heart pumps harder and faster striving to do it's job. Heart rate goes up and blood pressure goes up and sugar is floating in the blood instead of powering muscles

Sugar, on a microscopic level, is like little sharp rocks. These little pointy rocks bounce off the fragile Teflon-like lining in your arteries and veins that is supposed to prevent fat goo from sticking. The sugar rocks knock pieces out of the Teflon-like lining in your arteries and veins. Now fat can stick to these nicks, building up plaque that can eventually clog arteries and veins.  

Now we have diabetes, high blood pressure, rapid heart rate and clogged arteries.  

If you want to better understand what is happening, take a glass of warm water and spoon in butter and sugar and stir well. Compare this sticky syrupy mess to a glass of plain water. Now do you understand why you heart is working so hard and why you are in danger of death?  

You caused the mess and you can clean it up. You will have to begin lowing your consumption of animal fat and sugar. It is that simple. Change or die prematurely. Yes, doctors can give you pills. Does that work? Sort of, but not really. And many drugs have multiple side effects ranging from annoying to deadly. The drugs are not 100%.  That are not even 50% and some are not even 10% effective. Life style change is 70% effective and with no side effect.

The choice is yours. You can make changes and live a long, healthy life and enjoy your family and friends for years to come. Or you can continue indulging yourself like a spoiled little baby and become very unhealthy and die young. There are no other choices.  

Now some good news. As you change your diet you will adjust to the change in food and discover you will enjoy the taste of good for you food. Taste buds are flexible and adjustable. You will soon be able to indulge yourself with foods that are good for you that you will greatly enjoy. You can do it. Many have done it before you.  

My husband refused to make changes. He believed it was his right to eat what he chose. He had a quadruple bypass and several mild strokes. Then he had a massive heart attack on Thanksgiving Day. Now he sits on a shelf in an urn waiting to be taken to the military cemetery. Our youngest grandsons do not remember him.  

The choice was his. And the choice is yours! If you chose your food indulgences over your health, you have no right to complain when you end up in the hospital - or the morgue.

Cave Man Diet

Most of us picture cave people wearing animal skins, sitting around a fire holding a chunk of animal flesh. That is true only in cartoons. In real life, our early ancestors ate a lot of plant based foods.

Archers had to get enough arrows in an animal so that eventually it bled to death as the hunters followed it. After the animal was dead and cut into convenient pieces, there was still the problem of getting it home while the smell of blood attracted large predators. And then there is the problem of storage, meat rots quickly, even when cooked.

Plants were abundance and easy to harvest and store.

Occasional meat was important because meat contained some impotant nutrients that were not available because plant foods were harvested in a small area. Different biomes contained different nutrients in the soil. Plant foods harvested in only one biome have less diverse nutrients. Animals roamed over many biomes while grazing and migrating, collecting a large variety of nutrients in their flesh.

Today, we consume plant foods from not only around our country, but around the world. There is no lack of variety in the nutrients available to us in our supermarket. We no long have to rely on roaming animals to collect important nutrients for us. It is entirely possible, even desirable, to get all of our nutrients from plant based foods without consuming animal fat, the single most dangerous food produce in our food chain. Sugar is the next most dangerous. These food items kill more people than cigarettes, alcohol and drugs combined.

If we, as a species, eliminated animal fat and refined sugar from our diet, most of our medical personal would be without jobs. It would eliminate almost all type two diabetes, heart and circulatory problems and high blood pressure. It would also eliminate the next most common cause of deaths, medical mistakes, because fewer people would be seeking medical services.

My son loves meat of all kinds as did his late father. My son had his first heart attack at thirty four and his second ten years later. My husband had five clogged arteries in his fifties and open heart surgery. Then two strokes and a final heart attack at age sixty seven on Thanksgiving day. My son's boys' stepfather, a large man who loved his meat and fried two turkeys at Thanksgiving, recently had a fatal heart attack and he was not yet fifty.

My daughter and her husband have been vegetarians for many decades. They are on no drugs and as healthy as they were as teenagers. She was a vegetarian when pregnant with twins. She carried them a couple of days shy of 40 weeks and they were six and a half pounds each. She weighed 110 pounds the day after they were born. A nurse told my daughter that her twins were the first twins they have ever put in the regular nursery.

A study in the UK found vegetarian pregnant women had fewer complications and their children had an IQ that is four points higher than children of meat eating mothers. Four points is not enough to make a difference but is enough to suggest vegetarian is the way to go when pregnant.

I have been a vegetarian for several decades. I am 5 foot two and weigh 115 pounds. I was a meat eater most of my life and I once weighted 146 pounds.

It is hard to change one's diet. If you want to do it, do two things, eliminate one bad food item and add one good food item. Chicken is a good first elimination because of arsenic and pathogens. Wait until you are comfortable with the change and then eliminate another bad food item and add another good food item. Eventually, you will have a healthy diet. And with a truly healthy diet you can eat all you want.

As your diet improves, your heart rate will slow, your blood pressure will drop, your blood sugar will stabilize and you will lose weight, if you are carrying extra. You will also have a lower risk of dementia. And you will feel so much better.

As you change your diet, over time your taste buds will adjust and your new diet will become as delicious as your old, deadly diet. Adjustable taste buds is why people in different areas have different standards of delicious for food, some of which is just down right strange. Sour Kraut? Raw fish? Raging hot peppers? Blood pudding? I could go on.

What you eat often becomes delicious as your taste buds adjust. Fruits and vegetables and grains are already delicious and will become more delicious. It is the missing foods that will be the real problem. But in time you will no long find them delicious.

I once loved chicken wings – fried or baked or barbecued. And pot roast was juicy and delicious. Now all meat just taste gammy and nasty. When I eat a little meat to please someone I smile and chew. But I do not eat very much. And I can't wait to brush my teeth and get that nasty taste out of my mouth.

In my memory, meat is nice. In my mouth – not so much.

The choice is yours, your can choose the foods you have learned to love or the people in your life you want to spend as much time with as possible. My youngest grandsons are now thirteen and they do not remember their grandfather. They were three the Thanksgiving he had his last heart attack.

Even if you only eliminate or cut down on portion size of some of the dangerous foods, it will improve your health. Please give it a try if not for yourself then for your loved ones.

Over a million mares tortured, millions of newborn colts killed for estrogen.

The estrogen that so many women take is actually horse pee. It may have other ingredients, but horse pee is the main ingredient

For seven months, the mares are caged in a stall three and a half feet wide, eight feet long and five feet high, unable to turn around or lie down. A contraption is attached to their bodies that harvests urine. The mares are given just enough water so they will not die so the urine will be concentrated. And this is done to the mare while she is pregnant.

When it is time for the foal to be born, the mares are put in a field. As soon as the baby is born, it is taken away and a stallion is put in the field to impregnate the mare immediately. If the mare does not become pregnant quickly, she will go to slaughter along with her foal, sold for human concumption in countries where horse meat is a delicacy.

Year after year, this is the life of the gentle estrogen mares and their foals.

Doctors perscribe drugs made of mare urine even though esterogen is dangerous, causing heart disease, stroke, blood clots and breast cancer.

What are the alternatives? A synthtic estrogen is available. Also, life style changes can make a big difference and with no side affects.

Before risking mare estrogen, which could be dangerous to you and to a mare and her foals, check out the dangers of estrogen as well as the alternatives.

If you have the room and want a mare or a foal, look on the internet for horse rescue organizations near you. There are a lot of rescue organizations and a lot of animals available for adoption. Over a million mares did not find homes and were killed along with several million foals.

Menopause hormone supplement dangers

Many women are on Premarin, an estrogen supplement.  Premarin is prescribed to limit osteoporosis (brittle bones) and reduce heart disease in women over 50.  But The Women's Health Initiative showed that the Premarin 'family of drugs' caused MAJOR side effects: heart attacks, cancer, blood clots, breast cancer, uterine cancer and strokes. It also increases your chance of getting dementia.

Premarin® stands for Pregnant Mares' Urine (PREgnant MARes' urINe). Premarin (including Prempro, Premphase, Prempac, Premelle, Aprella & Duavee) is a drug made up of conjugated estrogen obtained from the urine of pregnant mares -- put out in many forms (pills, creams, injections, patches, vaginal rings) and is used to reduce the symptoms of menopause in women or women who have had a hysterectomy.

The simplest and most natural approach to the treatment of menopause is to adopt a healthy lifestyle in regard to diet, exercise and stress management. Not only will this help alleviate symptoms but the benefits will also ensure that you remain healthy now and in the future.

Avoid refined and processed foods, choose more whole foods, fresh fruit, vegetables and complex carbohydrates. Avoid high fat dairy products and meats and supplement these items with healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, seeds and lean cuts of meat or fish. Additionally, practice portion control and avoid empty calorie foods.

Exercise is vital to keeping symptoms in check. Exercise directly affects hormonal activities in the body by raising the level of endorphins, for example, to maintain emotional stability and suppress anxiety. Moreover, the benefits are unsurpassed: maintenance of muscle and joint strength, increased metabolism, reduced weight, improved cardiovascular health, increased cognitive function, maintenance of bone integrity, and the list goes on.

It is a well known fact that stress triggers more severe hot flashes. There are many stress-reduction techniques available to manage the burden of everyday anxiety – rest, relaxation, varied leisure activities, and most importantly self-affirming thoughts to maintain self-image and confidence.

Bio-identical hormones are synthesized in the lab from plant sources  that closely mimic natural hormones produced in the body since they possess the same molecular structure. There are many indications that bio-identical hormones pose far less risk for the human species than conventional therapies such as Premarin.

Dietary phytoestrogens are naturally occurring substances (Isoflavins) found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains such as soybeans, alfalfa sprouts, and oil seeds (such as flax seed). There is some evidence that they have a weak estrogen-like effect that may reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes. Eating natural foods that contain these compounds is safe but there are also non-prescription supplements on the market for which there is no long-term safety data.

Estriol can be used to treat hot flashes and other symptoms and helps in maintaining bone density. However, two studies have recently shown that estriol causes stimulation endometrial cells.
There is some evidence that natural progesterone is useful in the treatment of hot flashes but no evidence that it benefits bone density. Examples include: topical progesterone creams and oral progestins. DHEA, Dehydroepiandrosterone is an estrogen precursor meaning it is converted to estrogen and possibly some testosterone in the body. This may or may not increase levels of estrogen in the body naturally.

There is also convincing evidence that some prescription drugs such as SSRIs, SNRIs, Gabapentin and Clonadine, which are not licensed for treating menopausal symptoms do in fact alleviate hot flashes and night sweats. These are powerful drugs yet in severe cases some doctors may be willing to prescribe one of these treatments, with the patient’s consent.

Herbal medicines are readily available however caution is advised since they can contain powerful ingredients that may not be compatable with other prescription drugs and/or may have adverse effects on certain individuals. Some examples include: Black Cohosh for hot flashes and sweating, Kava to reduce anxiety, Ginko to decrease the risk of onset of dementia and St. John’s Wort as an anti-depressant. No substantiated medical studies are available for these medicines and most do not have to comply with the stringent safety, quality and manufacturing regulations that govern conventional medicines.

If you have a menopause issue, keep looking for help.  It may take time to find what works for your beautiful body. Something will help you and it is out there waiting to be found.

Do not succumb to pharmacology's advertisements. Be aware that the word, 'significant' in the drug industry means a minimum of 5%. Significant results in significant patients means 5% of patients experienced 5% results. Are you willing to risk the side effects because one person in twenty has 5% improvement. How can you even know you had 5% improvement it is so slight.

In the drug industry, 'significant' means the patient is pretty sure there is some improvement but not enough to really be sure. For years, I though significant was like substantial and meant a lot.

Oh, by the way, did you know that a drug does not legally have to do anything to be sold as a drug for a medical problem. In fact, I know of two drugs that were pulled because they did not help at all and people died from side effect. I don't remember what one drug was supposed to do, but I do remember a lot of hype about the first drug that was supposed to drastically help people with IBS. I noticed and remembered because my daughter has IBS which at one time was very bad, her weight dropping to 82 pounds, which is a bit on the light side for five foot six. By the time the drug was on the market she had learned to control her IBS with diet. Too many people died from that drug before the government noticed it did not help anyone. The government will allow deaths if some people experience some improvement while on a drug.

When a drug is tested, there are two groups of patients, one on a placebo (sugar pill) and the other group on the drug. The placebo cure (yep, sugar pills can cure some people) is about 3%.  The  drug group has to be 5% to be classified as an effective drug. If you figure 3% was placebo effect, only 2% could be drug effect.  And it doesn't matter how many people die or have terrible side effect, the drug company can sell the dru;g as a viable drug.

Yes, I, too, was stunned when I discovered this.

If you are thinking about taking a drug for your problems, do your own research and find the answer to you special needs. You may be able to use natural methods to control your problem or you may have to take a drug. If you are taking a drug, do your research. If you doctor tries to reassure you when you ask about the 'may cause death' on the list of side effects, remember, someone or someones died or that would not be listed as a side effect.

This is one of those times when YOU get to make the decision but YOU need to research and find alll the facts you can beforeYOU make the best decision for your special circumstances. You are unique.

Allergies growing at alarming rate.

In the U.S., 32 million people are estimated to have food allergies, including 5.6 million children. Between 2007 and 2016, the country saw a 377 percent increase in the cases of allergic reactions, according to Lisa Gable, CEO of Food Allergy Research & Education.

Children are not the only ones acquiring deadly allergies. The oldest known person to have a severe first time allergic reaction was an eighty one year old woman.

Recently, my son-in-law's boss, in his sixties, had his first reaction. His wife called an ambulance although he did not want her to. On the way to the hospital, the EMT was preparing to open an air way in the man's neck when the medication finally kicked in and allowed him to breath. The EMT later told the patient and his wife that if she had not called for help, her husband would now be dead. He reacted to pumpkin seeds in a new energy bar.

I have twin grandsons. They are allergic to ninety five percent of the food in Walmart. They are also allergic to dogs, cats, guinea pigs, pollen, detergent, man made fabric, smoke, certain plastic covered furniture, grass and a lot of other things. Their allergies are so severe they do not attend school or play with the neighborhood kids. Since they are twins and born with their best friend, they do well without other kids. I am kid number three, and I play with them almost every day for several hours.

They also have other autoimmune problems. One being inability to fight germs. What in most kids is a runny nose in them becomes viral pneumonia. My daughter was told by two allergist that her boys have the most severe allergies they have ever seen and the largest number of severe allergies they have ever seen.

When I was young, I was the only person I knew that was allergic to anything. I am allergic to detergent but not as allergic as my grandsons are. My daughter had to give up her dish washer that needed detergent in order to work properly. She washes dishes and clothes with special soap. Soap is made from an acid and fat or oil. Detergent is made from petroleum oil.

Allergies are rapidly growing. And so many are deadly. If you or your children do not like a food, get rid of it. Disliking a food could be a warning of an allergy that could become more and more severe with each exposure. Mild allergies may recede as a child grows older but most allergies just get stronger as the body becomes faster at recognizing the offending food. Allergies are the body's defense system gone awry and attacking the body when triggered by allergens.

If you suspect your child or family member of having an allergy, be watchful for worsening symptoms. A doctor can determine if there is an allergy and how bad it is with a simple blood test. If you suspect there is a problem, do not hesitate to find the truth. Allergies are dangerous but can be controlled.

If you have family or friends that have allergies, please help protect them, especially the children. If a child is allergic to a food and you put that food where a young child could get it, it is the same as someone you know and trust placing rat poison where your child could get it. Parents with severely allergic children live on the edge ever moment of their life. They could use a little help.

Over priced children's drugs

Epi Pens are used to stop people, including children, from dying when they go into shock from exposure to an allergen. A set of two pens from the pharmacy cost $600 and they are made in China of inferior materials that cause the flimsy needles to break when used. Children have died because of the shoddy workmanship.

Believe it or not, certain meds that can save the life of a child have price tags beyond belief because parents will sell their soul to save their child. Tim Dorsey, a  writer who writes about Florida and lives in Florida, wrote about this problem in one of his books.

In the book, the drug company owner charged a huge amount of money for a simple med that would kill a rare, deadly parasite in a child. In the story, Serge Storm, a psychopathic dispenser of poetic justice, infected the owner with the parasite and stole the man's financial resources so he could not buy the drug. I love Tim Dorsey's books. Serge gets to dispense poetic justice in a way that in the real world we can only dream of (and get arrested for).

My twin grandsons together have nine autoimmune problems. Currently, doctors are recommending for one twin a terrible, damaging drug that will cost $72,000 a year just for the injections, not counting the cost of hospitals and doctors and tests and who knows what else.  It is not a cure.  It is a maintenance plan for the rest of his life.  It can cause organ failure and all kinds of damage. His parents are struggling to keep him on a treatment that will not harm him but is very hard to maintain. This grandson and his twin already have a set of $600 Epi pens each. They each get a new set every year.

A Silicon Valley engineering consultancy did an analysis of the Epi Pen in 2016 and estimated manufacturing and packaging costs about $10 for a set of pens. In September 2016, the Four Thieves Vinegar published a video and documents describing an auto injector for $30 using off-the-shelf parts with a repurposed insulin auto injector.  This device is not validated by regulatory agencies.  

Epi Pens are copyrighted until 2025. After that date, anyone can make them and sell them for any price they choose.  If the price does not go up, it will cost $600 x 2 children x seven years  equals $8,400 for auto injectors that cost $420 to manufacture. That is money that will not go for their college.

Thirty Two million people are estimated to have food allergies. Over five and a half million are children. Between 2007 and 2016, cases of allergic reactions increased by almost 400 percent.

We need someone to start a movement to stop pharmaceutical companies from ripping off patients. Pharmaceutical companies making a $590 profit on a Epi pen that cost ten dollars to make is beyond outrageous. Multiply 32,000,000 people with allergies by $590 profit per en and the pharmaceutical company made $18,880,000,000 (eighteen billion, eight hundred eighty million) on Epi pens alone in a year. This is immoral and should be illegal. And, sadly, this is only one instance of pharmaceutical companies over charging for products that can save the lives of children and adults. Once can only hope there is a hell in the after life.

Forgetting may not be a sign of dementia

How often do we go to another room to do something and do not remember what it was we were supposed to be doing? No, it is not necessarily a sign of dementia. It happens even to young people. We are just more aware of it as we age because we fear we are losing our memory. But why do we forget something so quickly when we are in the next room?

I know it doesn't seem to make sense, but forgetting is a very important survival action. Suppose you are in a forest and you see a pond. You plan to tell Fred about that promising fishing spot. You walk through the forest as your mind is observing details in your environment.

Then you are out of the forest and on a plain. You walk for awhile and remind yourself not to forget to tell Fred - - - -. What was it you were going to tell Fred? It was important.

Oops, you almost stepped on a rattle snake. You back up and go around the snake, still trying to remember what you wanted to tell Fred. You step around a cactus with three inch thorns. This is a dangerous terrain, you have to be more careful and attentive and forget about Fred.

Later, when you get home you remember you wanted to tell Fred something. You tell him you have something important to tell him but you forgot what it was.  

Fred says, “Was it something you saw? Where was it?”

“I was in the forest”, you tell Fred. Then you remember the pond and you say, “Fred, I find a great fishing pond you should try.”

Memories are tied to location. The reason for that is your brain needs to focus only on the location you are in when you are in a dangerous environment. You need to temporarily forget facts about other locations and focus on where you are. So when you leave one place to go into a new one, you temporarily forget memories relating to where you were and pull up memories of the new location. Your life may depend on it. And that trait exists even today.

If you walk into another room and forget what you were going to do in that room, imagine yourself where you were when you were thinking that forgotten memory and it will pop back into your mind. Just thinking about the location you were in when you were thinking that forgotten thought will usually bring it up. If it is stubborn, walk back in that room and stand were you were when you were thinking what you were going to do and you will remember.

Relax, forgetting when you change locations is not a sign of dementia. It is just an interesting, but annoying, survival technique.

Note: I have to give credit for this blog to my daughter. She does a lot of reasearch and reads a lot. She is home schooling twin boys that are gifted.

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