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Rainey Stowers is the name I choose to write under. Rainey honors the matriarchal side of my family. It does not go back far, four or five generations. It is the earliest last name I can find on the matriarchal side of the family. Further back than that, there is no last name. Native Americans do not have a last name or family name. They have a tribal name and that would be Cherokee.

Stowers is my father's family name and has been traced back to the 1400's. On the family crest it states "no rose without a thorn". That is an excellent motto and worth remembering. I choose Stowers to honor the women in my father's family.

Purple is the dominant color for our site. Red is traditionally a feminine color. Blue is traditionally a masculine color. Combine the two and you get purple. Purple represents women and men working together in harmony. Our three women are blue, yellow and red, the three primary colors that, when properly combined, produce every color including every skin color.

Our icon, women linking arms with hands on hips, represents the strength achieved when women stand together. Linked arms are like a chain link fence, flexible but very strong. Thus, we represent ourselves as women united with linked arms in a non-aggressive, we-mean-business, we-will-not-be-moved stance.

Studies have shown standing for five minutes with shoulders back, hands on hips and feet a shoulder's width apart, changes the brain. It creates an enthusiastic, energetic, determined state of mind that will last for some time.  Why do you think super heroes, including Wonder Woman, stand this way. When you feel challenged, assume the Wonder Woman's stance for five minutes and enjoy the the new I-can-do-it state of mind. Women are smart, strong and capable and it is time to link arms and let the world benefit from our wisdom and strengths


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