Superwomen - Sister to Sister

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Ayn Rand

"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." - Ayn Rand.
If you do not know who Ayn (pronounced I-an) Rand is, ask your mother or grandmother. I came across this quote in my 'Nevertheless, she persisted' planner made by Majestic Notebooks. And I was appalled that I had forgotten her.

Ayn Rand was not a feminist. She was an Objectivist. There is only one Ayn Rand and she defies description. You have to experience her for yourself. In her time, people admired her, disliked her, were enlightened and confused by her. Experience her for yourself and make your own judgment. What ever else she is, she is an excellent, entertaining writer.

Some of her books are movies and available on Netflicks.

Make a difference

We have the internet. We can reach around the world in seconds. The power to change the world is in our finger tips. Take advantage of it.

What is wrong about our world that upsets you the most? Is it the declining health of our young people who are type two diabetic at age ten?  Is it the sorry state of our school system, seventh from the top in the world? Is it abuse of animals in laboratories and on the street? Is it worsening global warming? Is it politicians that are getting rich while bankrupting those of us that are not rich? Is it oppressive governments making life hell for its citizens? Or is it the pot holes in the road in front of the elementary school? The list could continue into infinity.

Pick one! Just one! Make it your own and take it down! Be the super woman that you were born to be. If you want to save our little Blue Marble, home of your children and grandchild, look to super women Rachel Carson and Greta Thunberg. In fact, regardless of your choice, Rachel and Greta are an inspiration.

One candle can stop the darkness, one voice can be heard around the world. One person can be the turning point of miracles. You can be that one candle, that one voice, that one person, that miracle. You can sit and complain and do nothing like most everyone else. Or you can be the turning point that changes the world and makes a better future for our children and grandchildren. Take that tiny first step and keep on keeping on. You may not be the one to make a difference, but maybe you could be the one that inspires the one who will make a difference.

Someone once said that at the beginning of every great thing, there stood a woman. Be that woman.

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