Children's books - Sister to Sister

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Children's books

Children's Books

Read to your children often, even if they are old enough to read for themselves. Reading ia a bonding opportunity. And you will be surprised what you can learn from a child's story.

I love children's books. You got a whole story in a small amount of reading time. Children's books are, for the most part, better written because children are picky readers and will not contintue to read a book unless it is really good. Adults, like me, will continue reading a boring, badly wrtten book because someone said it was good. I keep reading because I believe, falsly, that the good part that will justify reading the bad part is at the very end. Spoiler alert - it never is. While less talented writers of adult books will continue to get published, children's book writers either do well or bomb on the first book because children had such a low tolerence for boring.

I Rode a horse of milk white jade
Diane Lee Wilson
Source Books
copyright 1998, 2010

If you enjoyed the Disney move Mulan you will love this book.

Oyuna was believed to be cursed with bad luck when, as a small child, her foot was damaged by a horse.

Oyuna's father promised her a horse of her own after she convinced him you do not need two good feet to ride a horse.  Oyuna chose an old female horse because the horse spoke to her asking for help.  Her father was surprised his daughter chose such an old horse, one that had never even provided a foal for her owner.  

Khan's army invaded her village to take horses and young men.  Oyuna's horse was chosen as was a young village boy she knew.  Oyuna was not going to lose her horse.  She cut her hair and put on the young bo'ys clothes and went in his place so she could be with her white horse

Oyuna and her white horse traveled with the Khan's army. She was sent on a mission to deliver a package to the Khan himself.  She faced many trials and struggles and found friends and those that tried to take advantage of her.  And she found that despite a damaged foot, she was a smart, persistent, and brave person.  

It is one of those stories that causes sadness because it has ended, even though it had a very good ending.


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