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Bye Bye Bacon

Published by in animals in danger ·
Tags: pigpandemic
Nov. 4, 2019, Bye, Bye, Bacon

In the last 13 months, African swine fever has killed half of the China's swine, over 300 million pigs, and has spread to more  than 50 countries. Asfarviridae affects only pigs and no other animal. There is no vaccine or cure.

The virus is most likely on the feed. Americans can not produce enough feed and must buy from China. American pig farmers are now required to boil all pig food for 30 minutes.

Infected pigs stop eating, stop moving and have a high fever. Day five pigs bleed throughout the body and in the organs. By the second week, 85 to 95 percent of the pigs have died. No other animal can catch it because only pigs have the receptors for the disease.

Our Agriculture Department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service prepared for the epidemic by drilling fourteen states practicing for a possible outbreak of the virus in Mississippi.

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