03/2020 - blog - Sister to Sister

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Zoo rearranges hours to limit exposure

Published by in health ·
Tags: coronavirus
Mar., 31, 2020, Zoo rearranges hours to limit exposure.

The zoo in Jacksonville, Florida is closed to the public, but the animals still require care. Now employees work three 12 hours days and one four hour day for a total of 40 hours. Working four days cuts their exposes by twenty percent and distancing cuts it by more. Because there are half as many people at the zoo at any one time, it will also cut now on virus exposure. The best part is they have three days off and one day they only work four  hours. That allows more time off to spend with family and to finally have time to do all those projects they have always wanted to do.  If these hours are used in factories it will allow the factory to operate on twelver hour days and give the workers more time to spend with family.

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