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Published by in Physicians ·
Tags: badphysicians
Nov 8, 2019, Doctors

Yesterday, I wrote about Rachael Carson having cancer surgery. The doctor did not remove all of the cancer but told Rachael she was fine. She did not know she still had cancer and needed treatment and she died. The male doctors at the time thought females were too weak and fragile to handle serious matters so would not discuss them with women.

My doctor never told me I was terminal and since my husband was on oxygen and too weak to walk, the doctor told no one that I was expected to die soon.

I did not like this doctor, did not trust in his skill level and hoped that at some point he would go away and I would get a different doctor, a better doctor. I did not know he was assigned to me by the hospital and would remain my doctor until I asked for a new one.

My other doctor, head of oncology, who successfully treated me for uterine cancer several months earlier, found my records and took over my treatment. He literally saved my life by doing emergency surgery to repair a block digestive tract caused by scar tissue from my successful cancer surgery.

My weight had dropped from 126 to 88 and I was very weak. My heart was failing after surgery and to save my life, my doctor put me in a coma for a week.

Sadly, my husband died the following year. He had asbestosis and had been terminal for some time but I was not told.

This was two doctors that did not tell me serious news, maybe because I am a female - or maybe they just did not want to tell anyone horrible news.

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