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Down with pink and tiaras

Published by in self image ·
Tags: Pinkdevaluesgirls
March 13, 2019,Down with pink and tiaras

The last article about breast reminded me of another pet peeve, my disdain for pink, tiaras and princess costumes on little girls.

Pink is a lovely color. Some of my favorite flowers are pink. Pink looks good on a mature woman and is stunning on a man or boy. In fact, pink was originally worn by boys and men. But on a young girl it gives the wrong message to the girl and those who see her.

Pink on a young girl reinforces the outdated tradition that girls should be quiet, polite and sedate, in other words, girls should be seen and not heard. Why should they be quiet, polite, submissive and sedate? Boys are expected to be out spoken, and active.

Put your daughter in strong colors and teach her to be her strong, independent self. Strong is not the same as rude or obnoxious. Teach her to be a queen, not a princess whose only role in life is to be given to another king' s son as a hostage in exchange for cooperation.

A princess marries a man whose language, culture and even religion are foreign to her. A princess is a commodity, not a person. A princess is a slave whose primarily purpose is to produce an heir and a spare for the crown in a foreign land. But, a queen controls her own life. Dress your daughter in a crown and red or purple, colors of power and strength.

Pink is the color of the room violent prisoners are put in to calm them down and make them more sedate and controllable. Maybe that is why little girls are put in pink so they will grow up to be more sedate and controllable.

Little girls, or any female, should not be sedate and controllable.

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