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Published by in experience - ·
Tags: womenareexcellentleaders
 Welcome, Aug 1, 2018

In my many decades, I have learned a little bit about life and being a woman, most of which was learned from mistakes I made. I have heard that you learn more from making mistakes than from doing it correctly the first time. While that may be true, it can also be very stressful, time consuming and painful. Learning from the mistakes of others is so much more efficient.

I have made mistakes, more than I can remember. But, I have no regrets. Had I corrected one tiny mistake in my past, I might have redirected my life and erased from existence my children and grandchildren.

In retrospect, I see that most of my mistakes happened because I did not know my own worth and abilities. I allowed others that I thought wiser or more knowledgeable than I to influence my decisions when I should have checked the facts and made my own choices. Not their fault. They had their own issues to deal with. My choices, right or wrong, are my choices and I alone am responsible.

Our descendants will not know life as we and our ancestors knew life. We are at a divergent point in our development as humans. Our past has been one of much violence when strength and a hard heart was needed to kill to provide food and protect from harm.

Computers and machines have made strength no longer necessary. A three-year-old can obliterate a country on the other side of the world with the push of a button. We are now in the age where diplomacy and patience and sensitivity are needed to survive. And women excel at all of these.

The mistakes of the past will be feeble compared to the mistakes that can be made in the future. It is time for women to take their place in this new developing world.  Time to direct our future away from the violence that was necessary for survival in the past to the patience and diplomacy that will be necessary for survival and prosperity in the future.

-----and the clock is ticking!

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