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Where some diseases originate

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Tags: viruse
Mar 9, 2020, Where some diseases originate

Hundreds died in England from mad cow disease. Mad cow disease was caused by feeding beef food made from diseased cow body parts. Yes, I know. Cattle are vegetarians and do not normally eat flesh, especially the flesh of their family and friends.

The CDC estimates 12,000 Americans died from swine flu, which we got from pigs.

Tuberculosis comes from goats. It is believed that measles and small pox comes from cattle. Pigs gave us whopping cough. From chickens we got typhoid fever. Influenza came from ducks, leprosy from water Buffalo, colds from horses and HIV from monkeys.

Eating animal flesh can be deadly in more ways than one. Animal flesh is the major cause of heart disease. Our love of meat is killing us.

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