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How blood pressure can be controlled

Published by in health ·
Tags: highbloodpressure
Mar. 6, 2020, High blood pressure can be controlled

Anything that causes your blood to thicken or increase in volume will make your blood pressure go up. Thick blood is harder to pump. Too much blood is harder to pump

When you are dehydrated in the morning because your kidneys have removed liquid from your blood during sleep and you have not replaced the liquids, your thicker blood is harder to pump and your blood pressure goes up.

When you put goo in your blood stream, it will be harder to pump. Animal fat is goo. Plant fat does not gum up the works but makes blood easier to pump.

Sugar and blood make hard to pump syrup, and your blood pressure will go up..

Salt will make your body try to dilute the salt by putting more liquid in your blood stream creating more volume and more pressure.

Lack of exercise will allow your muscles, arteries and veins to stiffen and be inflexible, creating more blood pressure.  

Your unhappy thoughts will make your muscles tense, constricting your veins and arteries, making your blood pressure go up.  

There are also a number of medical issues and medications that will make your blood pressure go up.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous? Veins and arteries blow out at weak spots when under too much pressure. That causes strokes. Strokes can range from little ones that you do not even know have happened to a major stroke that kills. Protect your veins and arteries and treat them as if you life depends on them – which, by the way, it does.

Drink lots of good water, even during the night. Soda pop and coffee do not count. Exercise at least thirty minutes a day. Weight lifting counts if you really do not want to do actual exercise. Move and stretch your muscles to make them pliable. Cut the fat off your meat and soak up the fat with paper towels after it is cooked. Better yet, go with a plant based diet. Limit processed sugar  intake. Substitute fruit. Fruit sugar is OK, in fact, fruit is really, really good for you.

Stop thinking depressing thoughts. If you are not actively working on a solution to a problem, there is no need to think those depressing, scary thoughts. Spending more time with pets, friends and family produces endorphins that make you happy and lower your blood pressure.

You do not have to do it all at once. Choose one change and master it. When it becomes an automatic part of your life and you do it without thinking, then go to another change.  Even if you do not do all of it, any improvement will make you live longer and be in better health. You rock, woman. Take charge of your life. Be healthy so you can appreciate for a long time how totally awesome you really are.

Foods that kill

Published by in health ·
Tags: diabeteshighbloodpressureheartproblems
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