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Napoleon gave us love of sugar

Published by in health - ·
Tags: diabetes
August 17, 2019, The origin of sugar addiction

Guess who gifted us with sugar? Napoleon Bonaparte. He is responsible for your sugar addition.

During Napoleon's time, sugar was found in a doctor's bag, not in the kitchen. Sugar was used to give sick people energy. And it was very expensive.

Napoleon reasoned that if sugar gave ill people energy, it would energize soldiers going into battle. He purchased land and slaves and raised sugar cane. The slaves processed the cane into the sugar we all know and love. Just before going into battle, the soldiers juiced up on sugar and rushed into battle on a sugar high.

But sugar is habit forming. After the soldiers went home, they still craved sugar. Thus a sugar market was created. It was not long before everyone wanted sugar all the time. So if you have diabetes, you can thank Napoleon for your problem.

Foods that kill

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Tags: diabeteshighbloodpressureheartproblems
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