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How to make belly fat disappear

Published by in health ·
Tags: Howtogetrideofbellyfat
         Nov. 22, 2019, How to make belly fat disappear.

Several months ago my weight was about 106. You would think at that weight I would have a flat tummy.  Not so. I have tried exercising, but it did not help.

I have been a vegetarian for over twenty years. I ate dairy because animals are not killed for milk. Several months ago, I went totally plant based. I gave up milk, cheese and butter because my blood pressure was a little high and animal fat is one of the major causes. Think about it, if you are pumping blood, it is like pumping water, very easy. But add lard to the mix and you are pumping gooey sludge. It is harder to pump. It requires more pressure,

Since giving up dairy, my blood pressure has dropped nicely despite putting on six pounds. Although I am gaining weight, my belly fat has mysteriously melted away. Now my pants keep falling down. I have to wear a belt or buy new pants.

When I went plant based a few months ago, I also increased my food intake to put on weight. I need to plump out the wrinkles and I also want to build some muscles. I have put on six pounds and still gaining, hoping for 120. My belly is still flat and I am amazed.

I had been a little concerned because of my belly fat, which is an indicator of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance happens when fat clogs insulin receptors and insulin can not transfer sugar from blood to muscle. Sugar remains in the blood, turning blood into syrup, making it harder to pump. My blood sugar was a little high, but after giving up dairy, it is very low.  

If your blood pressure is going up and you are becoming insulin resistant, cut the fat off your meat and drain your cooked meat on paper towels to absorb the cooked out fat. This will limit the sludge in your blood and help keep the insulin receptors clear so sugar can go into your muscles. You really do not want sugar trapped in your blood and bouncing around in your veins. Sugar has sharp edges and damages the Teflon-like lining in your veins and arteries. Cholesterol can stick to the damaged surfaces, causing plaque build up and blockages.

If you are not going to give up or limit meat, at least cut out as much fat as you can. Every tiny improvement in your life style extends your life and the quality of your life. You have the power to improve your health and live longer. Take advantage of it.

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