If no one is mad at you, you are doing something wrong. - blog - Sister to Sister

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If no one is mad at you, you are doing something wrong.

Published by in be a hero ·
Tags: Pissofsomeone
August 10, 2019, If no one is mad at you, you are doing something wrong.

Ways to get some one really mad at you, if you can not think of one yourself:

Stand up for a minority group.

Stand up for women's rights.

Stand up for better education and health care for children of all ages, income levels and skin color.

Oppose bullies who can be found pretty much everywhere, even in our friendship circles and families.

Fight to protect our earth. A lot of companies and rich people will be really pissed with you, including our president, who lies and says global warming does not exist even when he is unable to play golf in Florida because of record breaking high temperatures and high humidity, which is worse than the heat. I speak as an experienced native of the Sunshine State, the cataract state, the skin cancer state, the first state that will be swallowed up by the ocean, the state I love (Miami is already going under the waves. Houses are being abandoned and some building are being lifted in hopes of saving them from the rising waves.). But there is no gobal warming according to our president.

Fight to protect our state parks located on prime real estate that are being decommissioned by our president and sold to rich people for new business locations and sacrificing the endangered animals the parks were created to save.

Fight for hard working, honest people that are being ripped off by dishonest, lawless, wealthy business owners.

Fight for our wild life that is irreplaceable and vanishing day by day. The magnificent polar bears and many others will be gone during your lifetime or your child's. Every day, another creature that is the last of its species, dies, never to be seen on this world again.

Now that the ice packs of the north and south pole are disappearing, global warming will accelerate because the sun's rays will not be reflected into space by the absent ice pack and will be absorbed into the ocean, making it hotter and hotter.

Volunteer to help someone or something.  If you are a rational, healthy person, it is your responsibility to help correct the inequities in the world, both large and small.  You can see them.  Everyone can.

Do something right. Piss off someone or some industry or business or organization or elected official. Actually, it is kind of fun and will make you feel really good. In fact, you will probably want to keep on doing it.

Good luck.  Enjoy. And I would love to hear of your adventures pissing someone off.

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