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How to choose a president

Published by in politics - ·
Tags: president
         Feb, 6, 2020, How should we choose a president?

We should look for a man or woman that tells the truth, is an honest business person, someone with high morals who treats others with respect, especially women and people of different origins and religions. We also need someone who is old enough to have world experience but not old enough to have Alzheimer. We need someone who is brave and strong and does not take advantage of his/her position as president by selling off our protected lands to his business crones or use his power for other personal gain. We do not want a king-want-a-be or a dictator-want-a-be. If our new president is a greedy, dishonest lying bully, what will that say to the rest of the world about our voters and our great land? If you voted for such a person, you deserve what you get. But your children and grandchildren deserve better.

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