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How athletic is your new baby

Published by in athletic children - ·
Tags: childsports
May 28, 2019, How athletic will your baby be?

A study was done in Canada because researchers found that children born in certain months were more likely to excel in sports. The answer turned out to be very logical.

Suppose the cut off date to start school is September first. Any child that is six on or before this date starts to school. Your daughter was born on September first so gets to start to school. Your neighbor's son was born September second so must wait until next year.

Your daughter started school when she was barely six. Your neighbor's son started school when he was six years and 364 days. He is one day shy of being a full year older than your daughter when she started school. He is larger, stronger, more experienced and more mature than your daughter was. It will be easier for him to excel in sports than it was for your daughter.

These 'gifted' children are given extra attention and more praise and encouragement than children that are younger so have a big advantage inaddition to age.

Of course, there are always outliers, children that excel against all odds, expecially if they have the encouragement and support of parents. And careful practice can make a big difference.

But parents should remember, a sport is a small part of life and the choice of being involved in sports should belong to the child. The child may decide when she is older to be professional and that is also her choice, not a parents right.

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