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rescue your body

Published by in health ·
Tags: changeyourhealthandlife
      Oct. 30, 2019,Rescue your body

How many of you would tolerate, for any length of time, a dishwasher that did not rinse dishes, a car with a broken air conditioner or a house with a leaky roof? You want your stuff to work right. But often ignore your best stuff when it is broken. The organic machine your spirit and mind lives in is often malfunctioning in multiple ways and you ignore it.

When this machine, your body, seriously malfunctions, you are in bad trouble - or dead. Why not put your body on the same important repair list as you do your replaceable 'stuff'.

If you have a health issue, and too many people do, research it. What caused it? What will fix it? How do you make yourself do what you do not want to do to correct it?

If your body is broken, the cause, seventy to eighty percent of the time, is an unhealthy life style. Twenty to thirty percent of health issues do not respond to a healthy life style and require surgery or drugs. The rest can be cured, yes - cured, with life style changes. There are literary thousands of studies that prove this. The doctors do not know it because live style is not included in their education, only drugs and surgery. Why should they care about life style when only drugs and surgery earn them money, lots of money.

So, you do not want to change your life style even if it is to fix your body. I have two things to say to you. One - do not be a baby. Two - you can convince yourself that you do want to change your life style the same way you convinced yourself that you want to keep your life style even if it kills you.

Instead of saying, "I want another cigarette, I need another cigarette, I deserve another cigarette (substitute soda, meat, sugar, acholol, etc.) say to yourself, even if it is a lie, "I will not smoke another cigarette. The cigarette company does not care that it is killing me as long as the owners continue getting stinky rich as I am dying." Then say, "I deserve and want a long, healthy life without cancer or COPD and I am strong and determine and I can, and will, do it."

Your subconscious does not know when you are lying and believes everything you say. When you think cigarette, think lung cancer, mouth cancer or your family members getting cancer from second hand smoke. Or your family burying you.

You maintain a bad habit because you tell yourself you need it, you want it, you deserve it and anyway, you can not quit. That teaches your subconscious, which controls more of our life and decisions than you are aware of, to take over and see that you get all the cigarettes, or sugar or acholol, etc, that you want. By simply changing your self talk, you can change your automatic response to harmful habits to beneficial responses. Yes, it is that simple. But it is not easy. It requires persistence. And, yes, it does work.

You have total control of what you think if you will just take charge. Like anything new, it is hard to remember to do it at first, but quickly becomes easier with practice.

I love salt, salted potato chips, salted saltines, licking plain salt from the palm of my hand. I threw away my salt shakers and use spices and onions. By the end of three weeks, my taste buds became more sensitive to salt and the tiny bit of salt naturally in my foods became perfect. Now I can not eat salted potato chips and salted saltines and other heavily salted foods.

Our early ancestors did not have salt. They did not use salt until later when they discovered salt preserved meat. They ate plant foods in the warm months and salted down meat for the winter. And that is when the love of salt began. Salt is not needed in food. We naturally get the meager amount we do need in unsalted food. Using the salt shakers is an acquired bad habit like smoking. And, like smoking, it is a habit you can change if you will continue feeding your subconscious the right information.

Any food changes you make will become not just tolerable, but desirable and delicious, with time.

Three thoughts to take away from this:
1. You can change your life by changing what you say to your subconscious and repeating the changes often.
2. You can change your taste buds by eating the new food repeatedly and often.
3. You can change almost anything in your life by what you say to your subconscious and repeat often.

Persistence is the key.  Ignore failures, step over them and keep on going. You can make amazing changes in yourself and your life if you will persist.

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