Allergies growing at an allarming rate - blog - Sister to Sister

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Allergies growing at an allarming rate

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Tags: allergiesgrowing
June 25, 2019, Allergies growing at alarming rate.

In the U.S., 32 million people are estimated to have food allergies, including 5.6 million children. Between 2007 and 2016, the country saw a 377 percent increase in the cases of allergic reactions, according to Lisa Gable, CEO of Food Allergy Research & Education.

Children are not the only ones acquiring deadly allergies. The oldest known person to have a severe first time allergic reaction was an eighty one year old woman.

Recently, my son-in-law's boss, in his sixties, had his first reaction. His wife called an ambulance although he did not want her to. On the way to the hospital, the EMT was preparing to open an air way in the man's neck when the medication finally kicked in and allowed him to breath. The EMT later told the patient and his wife that if she had not called for help, her husband would now be dead. He reacted to pumpkin seeds in a new energy bar.

I have twin grandsons. They are allergic to ninety five percent of the food in Walmart. They are also allergic to dogs, cats, guinea pigs, pollen, detergent, man made fabric, smoke, certain plastic covered furniture, grass and a lot of other things. Their allergies are so severe they do not attend school or play with the neighborhood kids. Since they are twins and born with their best friend, they do well without other kids. I am kid number three, and I play with them almost every day for several hours.

They also have other autoimmune problems. One being inability to fight germs. What in most kids is a runny nose in them becomes viral pneumonia. My daughter was told by two allergist that her boys have the most severe allergies they have ever seen and the largest number of severe allergies they have ever seen.

When I was young, I was the only person I knew that was allergic to anything. I am allergic to detergent but not as allergic as my grandsons are. My daughter had to give up her dish washer that needed detergent in order to work properly. She washes dishes and clothes with special soap. Soap is made from an acid and fat or oil. Detergent is made from petroleum oil.

Allergies are rapidly growing. And so many are deadly. If you or your children do not like a food, get rid of it. Disliking a food could be a warning of an allergy that could become more and more severe with each exposure. Mild allergies may recede as a child grows older but most allergies just get stronger as the body becomes faster at recognizing the offending food. Allergies are the body's defense system gone awry and attacking the body when triggered by allergens.

If you suspect your child or family member of having an allergy, be watchful for worsening symptoms. A doctor can determine if there is an allergy and how bad it is with a simple blood test. If you suspect there is a problem, do not hesitate to find the truth. Allergies are dangerous but can be controlled.

If you have family or friends that have allergies, please help protect them, especially the children. If a child is allergic to a food and you put that food where a young child could get it, it is the same as someone you know and trust placing rat poison where your child could get it. Parents with severely allergic children live on the edge ever moment of their life. They could use a little help.

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