Why can animals eat lots of fat, but humans can not??? - blog - Sister to Sister

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Why can animals eat lots of fat, but humans can not???

Published by in health ·
Tags: howtostopbadhealth
Jan 29, 2020, Why can animals eat lots of fat, but humans can not???

Animals eat lots of animal fat and it does them no harm. Perhaps that is why people believe animal fat does not harm humans as humans are descended from animals.

One difference is, animals do not eat sugar. If they did, they would be insulin resistant, have high blood pressure and heart problems. (DO NOT FEED YOUR ANIMALS SUGAR!!! They will get fat and die.) The other difference is animals eat all of their prey including brains and organs that contain vital nutiments. Things we do not eat. However, Enuints do eat all of the animals and they store a lot of fat in their bodies without harm.

Not only is fat coursing through our veins making our blood thick and hard to pump, fat is sticking to the insides of our veins and building up, causing blockages. And that is a problem animals do not have. And why do you think that is?

It is because in human veins animal fat is coursing around with sugar. Sugar is a hard, sharp rock-like material and it is bouncing around inside your fragile veins and arteries that are lined with a delicate, thin layer of Teflon-like material that keeps fat from sticking. Sugar gouges and tears that single molecule thick lining. The more sugar, the more damaged places fat can find to stick to and build up, causing blockages.

Also, fat clogs insulin receptors so insulin can not push sugar into the muscles. Sugar just keeps bouncing around, tearing up your arteries and veins protective lining. Your muscles are starving for energy and you are very tired and lethargic so you eat more sugar for energy.

Animals do not eat sugar so do not have damaged arteries and veins and insulin resistance. And they can eat all the fat they wish. Humans can eat fat if they do not eat sugar of any kind.  Of course they will need to exercise to burn up the extra fat or it will accumulate on the tummy and on the hips.

At least one has to go – yummy fat or delicious sugar. Otherwise you will be dealing with terrible health. But there is good/bad news. You will not have to deal with terrible health very long – you will die soon.

What!!! You are shocked and surprised? Did you really think you would live a long time in the shape you are in? Get real! Cut down on fat and sugar and exercise. Also, eat more fruits, berries and veggies, especially greens and beans. And do it before your brain becomes damaged. There is a seventy percent chance all that damage you have done to your body can be reversed and even eliminated with diet change and exercise.

And do not feed cookies and candy to your dogs or cats or children.

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