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Interesting food beliefs

Published by in health ·
Tags: eatinggrainsorgrassproducts
Oct.,11, 2019, Interesting food beliefs

A man in my circle of friends is over weight, smokes, drinks alcohol, lives on fast foods, mostly hamburgers and fries and soda, and refuses to eat anything that is made form the grass family, unless it is a hamburger bun or donut. He believes, because wheat and other grains are eaten by animals, they are not suitable for people. He repeatedly tells me not to eat grass food products because they are really bad for me.

This man has very high blood pressure, serious issues with cholesterol and is insulin resistant. He looks as if he is imminently expecting twins, or triplets. And he has had cancer.

He limits grain in his diet because he thinks it is really bad for people. And yet, animals, living on grass and grain, do not have cholesterol problems, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

I would like to comment on this situation, but I am too flabbergasted to think of something to say, and I am almost never at a loss of words.

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