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Helping others, a blessed gift

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Tags: helpothers
August 27, 2019, Helping Others, a Blessed Gift

Helping or saving someone or something is one of the most wonderful and fulfilling actions anyone can take, a blessed gift to one's self. And there are so many choices available from the tiny bees to humans, to the very planet. Much of this 'need' has been created by humans. We are not a nurturing species. Most of us are so interested in that which immediately affects our personal wants and needs that we do not think of those in great need. More people would be helpful if they were aware of the need. If everyone helped someone or something once a year, it would be a glorious world.  

One of my favorite charities is OperationSmile which has created beautiful faces for thousands of children around the world. Cleft lips and palates are repaired, allowing children to eat properly and not hide their faces in fear of ridicule. Any family could be affected by this issue. It can be inherited or acquired though exposure to pollutants, including cigarette smoke, or absents of necessary nutrients such as folic acid.

My cousin had a cleft upper lip. His was not as extreme as it can be, his upper lip was divided like a rabbit's - thus the common term 'hare lipped'. In extreme classes the upper lip can be split and pushed to the sides leaving a space where the upper lip should be and part of the palate can be missing. It can interfere with eating and speaking can be a real challenge. The operation to correct the problem is about forty five minutes. While you are thinking about it, click OperationSmile above and donate a little money, Even if a one time gift is all you can manage, be proud that you helped make a sad little child happier than he or she has ever been. Be a hero to a child in need.

Check out the amazing photos on the Operation Smile website. And while you are there, share you financial blessings. Whatever you donate will be used to change the life of a sad little child.

We have some more organizations you might be intrested in on our Help Needed page.

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