Purpose of this site - Sister to Sister

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Purpose of this site

      I have two goals for this site:

Goal number one - gather women together in villages so they can enjoy the friendship and support of their sisters and share information.

Goal number two - encourage villages of women to use their woman skills to make a difference in the lives of women, children, and yes - even men, society, business and the condition of the world in general.

A blanket can keep a family warm and cozy. It is not the blanket, but each individual thread combined with all the other individual threads that does the job. As a woman, we have little power. As women, we are unstoppable. If enough women become threads in enough blankets, we can cover the world and make it a safer place. It does not matter if your goal is to improve schools, world peace, improve diets, repair pot holes or save the polar bears. We have enough women to cover all the needs of the world once we unite and use our woman's wisdom and strength and power.

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