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Politics and war

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Trump's performance

Trump's performance on the national stage in recent weeks has put on display the traits that Democrats and some Republicans consider so jarring: the profound need for personal praise, the propensity to blame others, the lack of human empathy, the penchant for rewriting history, the disregard for expertise, the distortion of facts, the impatience with scrutiny or criticism. For years, skeptics expressed concern about how he would handle a genuine crisis threatening the nation, and now they know.

Peter Bake and Maggie Haberman
The New York Times, March 22, 2020

Smoking doesn't kill

In 2000 Pence wrote, “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.”

President fires bullet

Fox’s only reference to the fact that the president shot a man on Fifth Avenue would be that “a New York City man died today when he ran right into a bullet fired by the president.

Does Trump care if we die from Coronavirus?

It is interesting that the person Trump appointed to save us all from a pandemic was once in charge of saving the people in his state from HIV but refused to do anything until his voters became angry. Many people died. He advocated directing Federal funds  away from “organization that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus” in favor of “those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior”.

Do we really want Donald's not very bright sycophant in charge of saving the lives of our families and all Americans? We are soooo screwed!

Trump Jr said Democrates want people to die.

President Trump ordered people killed to raise his poll numbers so he could stay in the White House. He did this against the advice of his military experts who believed it was the wrong thing to do. Many fine American military men suffered serious brain damage as a result.

Trump killed people and destroyed familes because he wanted to stay in the White House. Donald Jr is accusing the Democrats of hoping thousands of people die from the virus to keep Trump Sr. out of the White House. If his dad would kill to stay in the White House then of course Jr. would believe the Democrats would hope for lots of deaths to keep Trump Sr. out of the White House.

The cost of war

Give me the money that has been spent in war, and I will clothe every man, woman and child in an attire of which kings and queens would be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth.  I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to the gospel of peace. - Charles Summer

 Interesting, but unimportant, facts about Donald Trump

Everyone knows Donald has fake hair and a fake orange sun tan, but did you know his body is fake also? Watch him closely, he does not sit back in a chair (if he did, he would need help getting up), but perches on the front edge like ladies of long ago who wore corsets.

He does not bend over. He is a very large, obese man. And yet he seems to hold it well. Any one would if he had a custom made, probably steel enforced corset to squash his large belly and push it up into his chest. It is the corset, not the broom stick up his *ss that makes him move so stiffly. I keep watching him because I want to see when the corset gives way and Donald spills all over the sidewalk.

Many people believe he gives speeches without preparation, he just speaks his mind. Not true for formal speeches. Everyone one has read his amusing tweets. He can not hang on to a thought long enough to write a cohesive tweet. His spelling and syntax is rather childish. And yet, because there is no teleprompter, many believe he can make an intelligent, organized forty five minute speeches.

Look closely at the video of his last speech, or any speech. Ever notice he says a few words, pauses, says a few more, pauses, etc. I recently listened to a dyslectic author recording an audio book. He wears ear buds in the sound booth. He has a reader outside the booth with a microphone. The reader reads a few words out loud and pauses. The author repeats the words and waits. The reader reads more and pauses. When the recording is played back, there are short sections of audio with blank spaces between. The audio tech cuts out the blank spaces and runs the words together and it seems as if the author is reading his book for the tape. But that he cannot do. He is severely dyslexic and reading is not one of his skills. He writes books about dyslexia.

Donald does his speeches with the same timing as this author, speak short section, pause, speak another short section, pause, etc.

Donald has bad eyes, probably the reason he is always squinting. He is too old for contacts and too vain for glasses. So, how does he get his speeches, that are written by a team of writers, into his brain and out his mouth without a teleprompter.

Check out the last speech he made. Watch the left side of his face, His left and not yours. His hair is mussed and sticking straight out by his ear. Someone disturbed Donald's hair while inserting an ear bud.  Donald is being feed speeches through the bud in his left ear and making people think either he can memorize a forty five minute speech or just improvise on the spot. But his memory is not that good (He once bragged he went to the small village in Germany where his father was born - his father was born in the Bronx. Donald's grandfather was born in Germany. And Donald forgot Baron was his son). You have all read his tweets. Do you really think anyone that screws up a tiny tweet so hilariously can create a forty five minutes speech that makes sense.

You will also notice Donald does not touch people if he can avoid it. He has been a serious germophobic since childhood. Could be the reason he does not like dogs.

None of these things affect Donald as a president either for the better or the worse. But it is a shame that he is so insecure he has to have fake hair, a fake tan, a fake body and refuses to wear glasses.

How should we choose a president?

We should look for a man or woman that tells the truth, is an honest business person, someone with high morals who treats others with respect, especially women and people of different origins and religions. We also need someone who is old enough to have world experience but not old enough to have Alzheimer. We need someone who is brave and strong and does not take advantage of his/her position as president by selling off our protected lands to his business crones or uses his power for other personal gain. We do not want a king-want-a-be or a dictator-want-a-be. If our new president is a dishonest lying bully, what will that say to the rest of the world about our voters and our great land? If you voted for such a person, you deserve what you get. But your children and grandchildren deserve better.

Big Brother is Watching You

In 1948, George Orwell wrote an often referenced book called Nineteen Eighty-Four in which people were under constant surveillance by the government, even in their homes, through digital equipment.  The government was represented by a fictional character called Big Brother and the people were constantly reminded that 'Big Brother is watching you'.

Big Brother was not just observing people, Big Brother also managed people by interfering in their lives to produce a perfectly obedient citizen. When you hear Google referred to as 'Big Brother', they are referring to this book.

And, apparently, Google has been receiving big bucks to watch the USA for Russia.

Google is recording things that you and I would get sued for recording.

Speaking of watching, you might want to put tape over your computer camera when you are not using it. It can be hacked and activated without you knowing. If you are not properly dressed when you type, you really might want to place tape over the camera. It is easy to peel off when you are using Skype.

The cost of war

Give me the money that has been spent in war, and I will clothe every man, woman and child in an attire of which kings and queens would be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth.  I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to the gospel of peace.

Charles Summer

We need a strong middle class

Lately, in the media, there has been a lot of concern about the dwindling middle class and how it will destroy our economy if it continues to shrink. We have a small group of very rich people and a lot of financially challenged people. But it is the middle class people that keeps this country's economy moving

Rich people are a very small percentage of the population, only one tenth of one percent and they have forty percent of the money which they stash in banks not in the USA. Sure they buy cars, many cars, expensive cars, but not enough to support the car industry, especially if they buy imports. They also buy clothes, shoes, televisions, but only a tiny amount compared to what the middle class buy.

Rich people spend a lot of money but not on a lot of things. When our first lady wears a $4,500 dress it does not employ the number of people that one hundred women wearing $45 dresses would employ. There is just not enough rich consumers to have much effect on our economy.

The lower income class is struggling to make house payments, insurance payments, gas, electricity, food, clothing, medical bills, etc. They are not spending much on new products, especially if they shop at Goodwill and The Dollar Store. This group may do most of the work but spend the lest amount of money per person.

Today, the average income of the middle class, because of inflation, has the same buying power as that of the middle class in the 1970's (yes, that is half a century ago). Yes, their income is higher, but inflation is eating it up. Bragging about wages going up does not mean a damn thing when buying power is going down faster.

Once the middle class is gone, there will be no one to buy the products the wealthy produce. Our country will be bankrupted. But there will still be billionaires living in mansions. Our banks will have failed but that won't bother the rich.

The wealthy do not put their money in American banks where they have to pay taxes. Rich Americans put their money in banks in China and other countries. Actually, China is the richest county in the world. You would be shocked to learn how much we, the US government, are indebted to China and other countries. We are deep, deep in debt ant it is rapidly growing. We were the country other countries were in debt to.. Now we the country that is the deepest in debt.

We need to be more knowledgeable about our governments finances and get more involved.
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