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Common cause of bad decisions

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Tags: knowlegemakeswiserdecisions
 April 29, 2019, Common cause of bad decisions

The seed that often grows into a disastrous decision is very quiet and hard to see. It is lack of information or wrong information.

How many times have you said, “If I had only known, I would have – worked harder to go to college, not marry Bill, not started smoking, blab, blab, blab.” My list of wrong decisions based on inadequate or wrong information is as long as War and Peace (English edition over 560,000 words and over 1,400 pages in paper back). And yet, information is free at the library, online and from people who had been there and done that.

This is such a glorious time. Information is almost oozing out of the wood work. When I was young, we had micro filch, tiny film the library had of all kinds of publications. There was a large projector that had a screen on which the film was projected. You had to scroll though a lot of film in order to find the info you needed. It was time consuming and hard on the eyes. And you had to write down any information you wanted to keep.

If you are making a vital decision, ask older, more experienced women, go to the library and ask for assistance in locating media on your subject and use the internet. The amount and depth of information available today at the library and on line is amazing and awesome. Ignorance is no longer an excuse.

With elections coming up, save America, research politicians. Most politicians are chest deep in bull sh*t. Too many of them are politicians because being a government official is the fastest, easiest, laziest, legal way to get rich, really rich. So much money is being passed under the table to bribe politicians all the way to the oval office that the table has to have ten foot legs. And politicians retire with amazing retirement packages for serving a minimum of four years. And ultimately it all comes out of our wallets.

Look it up, it's on the internet. Not researching a topic that is vital to you is just plan dumb and irresponsible when it is so easy to do. When you find information you do not like, do not dismiss it as 'fake news'. Check it out and even if it goes against what you want to believe, be realistic. Facts are facts even if you do not want to believe them. Remember, "Don't drink the koolaid.” If you do not know what this means, look it up. It's on the internet.

Note: The term 'fake news', that  Killer (nickname Donald's dad gave him as a child because he was such a ruthless bully) loves to use, dates back to when Fred Trump was feeding 'fake news' to the news media about what a great business man Donald was while it was really Fred making all those companies successful before quietly transferring them into Donald's name. You had to feel sorry for poor Fred.  He tried so hard to make his son a successful business man and even with dad's help, Donald had to claim bankruptcy six times.  It may soon be seven, the Tower is half empty, his other enterprises are under financial stress and his German bank, the only bank that will loan money to him is not happy with him because of the tax investigations. Of course with all the 'donations' from his starry eyed supporters, Donald could be on top again if he doen't end up in bankruptcy court.

Check out everone one running for an office that you can vote for. Do not be fooled by political advertising hype (fake news). Check out the facts and do not toss out the facts because they conflict with your 'beliefs'. The truth is the truth even when it is not what you want to hear. You not wanting to believe 'the truth' will change nothing, certainly it will not change the truth.

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