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origin of males

Published by in evolustion ·
Tags: femalecreatedfirst
August 23, 2019, The origin of males

On March 27, I wrote that females were created before males. I was surprised at the number of people that do not know the origin of the species, all species.

Most people know that life began as one cell creatures and replicated by mitosis or cell division. But apparently do not know that the cells were all X chromosomes, or female. At first it was one mother cell that grew and split into two daughter cells. Over time the one cell grew but stayed together. As the cell clumps grew larger and larger, the cells became a blob. This worked pretty good but there was no diversity in the daughter cells.

Diversity means that some were a little different and will survive when the environment changed. While the organism were growing, some exchanged cells and diversity happened. Different species were created and the second sex was created from damaged X chromosomes. When the second sex was created, the multiplying began in earnest.

When a baby is conceived, it goes through every step of evolution beginning with a single cell - the egg. The sperm enters the egg and makes a few changes. If the sperm is an X sperm, the egg continues to be all X chromosomes, or a female. DNA from the X sperm makes some changes in what will be a little girl.

If the sperm is a Y sperm, there are a lot of changes made. That Y sperm has to make a girl into a boy and only has a month to do it. First, it strips away half of the double helix and replaces it with a small amount of Y DNA that will initially change what is the developing ovaries into testes and drops them lower in the body. Once the testes are up and running, they take over and pump testosterone into the little boy to be. In nine months, it is now a fully developed boy with nipples to remind him that he started out a girl.

Females have X chromosomes. Males are mostly X chromosomes with some Y chromosomes added. All species were created the same way humans were created. All species started out female.

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