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How rich is rich

Published by in finance - ·
Tags: richestpeople
May 8, 2019, How rich is rich

This is a short post.  It does no need explaining or elaborating on.  However, you may want to sit down.

Today one tenth of one percent of all the people in Amercia have a net worth equal to forty percent of the population, a situation similar to the 1930s during the great depression.

Ideas are like butterflies

Published by in creativity - ·
Tags: idealog

Common cause of bad decisions

Published by in bad decisions - ·
Tags: knowlegemakeswiserdecisions

Forgetting is not a sign of dementia

Published by in health - mental - ·
Tags: memoryloss

Annie Jump Cannon

Published by in female scientist ·
Tags: classificationofstars

Whats in a name

Published by in women have no last name - ·
Tags: woman'slastname=

First diety

Published by in religion - ·
Tags: Goddess

Down with pink and tiaras

Published by in self image ·
Tags: Pinkdevaluesgirls

All you ever wanted to know (or not know) about breast

Published by in self image - ·
Tags: breastenlargement

Numbers may not lie but statistics can be manipulated

Published by in statistics - ·
Tags: donottruststatistics
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