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Elizabeth Kenny

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Tags: polio
        Elizabeth Kenny (1880–1952) a self taught nurse

Elizabeth Kenny is famous world wide for her battle against polio and the medical profession. Her patients included Alan Alda, Rosaland Russell's American nephew, Martin Sheen, Dinah Shore, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA and thousands of others world wide.

Though self taught, she changed the way polio victims were treated, giving thousands of polio victims a better life. When polio, infantile paralyses,  first appeared, no one know how to treat it. Elizabeth was told  to "...treat them according to the symptoms as they present themselves". She could feel some muscles were very tight so she applied hot compresses  made of woollen blankets to the muscles and bent the legs to stretch the muscles. The medical profession treated what they thought were weak muscles by placing them in braces and casts. She was called a phony by the medical professtion. While the medical profession called her a fake healer, she continued to have sucess improving and sometimes curing polico victims, children and adults. Today, we continue the method of treatment Elizabith begain dispite harrassment from the medical professtion.

If this was the only thing Elizabeth accomplished, she would have been an amazing person. But there  is so much more to her story. Please learn more about this super woman at

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