June 16, 2019, Over a million mares tortured,millions of newborn colts killed for estrogen.
The estrogen that so many women take is actually horse pee. It may have other ingredients, but horse pee is the main ingredient
For seven months, the mares are caged in a stall three and a half feet wide, eight feet long and five feet high, unable to turn around or lie down. A contraption is attached to their bodies that harvests urine. The mares are given just enough water so they will not die so the urine will be concentrated. And this is done to the mare while she is pregnant.
When it is time for the foal to be born, the mares are put in a field. As soon as the baby is born, it is taken away and a stallion is put in the field to impregnate the mare immediately. If the mare does not become pregnant quickly, she will go to slaughter along with her foal, sold for human concumption in countries where horse meat is a delicacy.
Year after year, this is the life of the gentle estrogen mares and their foals.
Doctors perscribe drugs made of mare urine even though esterogen is dangerous, causing heart disease, stroke, blood clots and breast cancer.
What are the alternative? A synthtic estrogen is available. Also, life style changes can make a big difference and with no side affects.
Before risking mare estrogen, which could be dangerous to you and to a mare and her foals, check out the dangers of estrogen as well as the alternatives.If you have the room and want a mare or a foal, look on the internet for horse rescue organizations near you. There are a lot of rescue organizations and a lot of animals available for adoption. Over a million mares did not find homes and were killed along with several million foals.