Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason - blog - Sister to Sister

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Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason

Published by in women heroine ·
Tags: educator
                July 10, 2019, Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason,
January 1, 1842 – January 16, 1923

“Don't waste time on twaddle”. I heard this quote somewhere. I believe my daughter was the source. Her twins boys have to be home schooled for medical reason and she is an admirer of Charlotte Mason. I liked the quote, "Don't waste time on twaddle." I decided it was worth a blog. So I looked up Charlotte Mason on Wikipedia. Wow, she was amazing.

Charolette believed that parents and teachers should "Provide a child with what he needs in the way of instruction, opportunity, and wholesome occupation, and his character will take care of itself: for normal children are persons of good will, with honest desires toward right thinking and right living. All we can do further is to help a child to get rid of some hindrance––a bad temper, for example––likely to spoil his life."

Charlotte believed in children and obviously loved them and believed that children were born persons and should be respected as such. Her motto for students was "I am, I can, I ought, I will." She was an advocate for better education for home schooled children and children attending public and private schools.  She wrote amazing books for children, parents and educators. She spent her life working for the betterment of education for children and was involved in Scounting for boys and Girl Guides for girls.

More information can be found on wikipedia and your local library

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