Interesting, but unimportant, facts about Donald Trump - blog - Sister to Sister

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Interesting, but unimportant, facts about Donald Trump

Published by in Trump ·
Tags: Trump
  Oct. 25, 2019, Interesting, but unimportant,
facts about Donald Trump

Everyone knows Donald has fake hair and a fake orange sun tan, but did you know his body is fake also? Watch him closely, he does not sit back in a chair (if he did, he would need help getting up), but perches on the front edge like ladies of long ago who wore corsets.

He does not bend over. He is a very large, obese man. And yet he seems to hold it well. Any one would if he had a custom made, probably steel enforced corset to squash his large belly and push it up into his chest. It is the corset, not the broom stick up his *ss that makes him move so stiffly. I keep watching him because I want to see when the corset gives way and Donald spills all over the sidewalk.

Many people believe he gives speeches without preparation, he just speaks his mind. Not true for formal speeches. Everyone one has read his amusing tweets. He can not hang on to a thought long enough to write a cohesive tweet. His spelling and syntax is rather childish. And yet, because there is no teleprompter, many believe he can make an intelligent, organized forty five minute speech.

Look closely at the video of his last speech or any speech. Ever notice he says a few words, pauses, says a few more, pauses, etc. I recently listened to a dyslectic author recording an audio book. He wears ear buds in the sound booth. He has a reader outside the booth with a microphone. The reader speaks a few words and pauses. The author repeats the words and waits. The reader reads more and pauses. When the recording is played back, there are short sections of audio with blank spaces between. The audio tech cuts out the blank spaces and runs the words together and it seems as if the author is reading his book for the tape. But that he cannot do. He is severely dyslexic and reading is not one of his skills. He writes books about dyslexia.

Donald does his speeches with the same timing as this author, speak short section, pause, speak another short section, pause, etc.

Donald has bad eyes, probably the reason he is always squinting. He is too old for contacts and too vain for glasses. So, how does he get his speeches, that are written by a team of writers, into his brain and out his mouth without a teleprompter.

Check out the last speech he made. Watch the left side of his face, His left and not yours. His hair is mussed and sticking straight out by his ear. Someone disturbed Donald's hair while inserting an ear bud.  Donald is being feed speeches through the bud in his left ear and making people think either he can memorize a forty five minute speech or just improvise on the spot. But his memory is not that good (He once bragged he went to the small village in Germany where his father was born - his father was born in the Bronx. Donald's grandfather was born in Germany. And Donald forgot Baron was his son). You have all read his tweets. Do you really think anyone that screws up a tiny tweet so hilariously can create a forty five minutes speech that makes sense.

You will also notice Donald does not touch people if he can avoid it. He has been a serious germophobic since childhood. Could be the reason he does not like dogs.

None of these things affect Donald as a president either for the better or the worse. But it is a shame that he is so insecure he has to have fake hair, a fake tan, a fake body and refuses to wear glasses.

PS: Feb 15, 2020 - A news organization found some photos of Trump standing next to people that are known to be Trump's height and weight as he tells it. Trump is not 6 feet three as he insists (his licence says 6 ft 2). He may be six feet. His weight, one pound under obese, is way wrong. He is obese plus some. Silly us to believe anything he says is actually a fact.

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